
2466 results:
131. A civil society appeal to the German state interior ministers   On the occasion of the Conference of the Ministers of the Interior, which begins on Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Paritätische Gesamtverband, ProAsyl, Medico International,…  
Date: 07-12-20
132. Forced resettlement to Bhasan Char   Forced resettlement of Rohingya people to Bhasan Char:
Resettlement to flood-prone prison island must end immediately
Myanmar must allow refugees to return
Date: 06-12-20
133. New EU sanctions mechanism   New EU sanctions mechanism:
Sanctions based on the Magnitsky Act are an important first step
EU must give up its reluctance to criticize Chinese government and other unjust regimes 
Date: 04-12-20
134. Militias benefit from olive oil stolen from Afrin   According to sources of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Turkish government is again exporting olive oil from the Syrian-Kurdish region of Afrin – which has been occupied since March…  
Date: 03-12-20
135. Indigenous peoples of Brazil   Indigenous peoples of Brazil:
Missionary loses responsibility for peoples in voluntary isolation
Forced contact by missionaries is a deadly threat to indigenous people 
Date: 01-12-20
136. Deportations to Turkish-occupied regions of Syria   Deportations to Turkish-occupied regions of Syria:
More leverage to blackmail Germany and the EU: Erdogan could demand more support for providing shelter to deportees
Deportees would…  
Date: 30-11-20
137. Protests against racism overshadow celebrations of 60th anniversary of Mauritania's independence   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
Crackdowns on protests of widows and orphans of executed victims of racism
Human rights organization demands justice and release of 36…  
Date: 29-11-20
138. Syrian opposition group harbors suspected war criminal   Syrian opposition group harbors suspected war criminal:
Syrian National Coalition is protecting Ahmad Hassan Fayyad Al-Hayes
UN report accuses leaders of the Ahrar Al-Sharqiya faction…  
Date: 27-11-20
139. Announcement by the High Representative   Finally – a law against genocide denial in Bosnia:
Denial of genocide crimes will soon be a punishable offence, similar to the ban on Holocaust denial in Germany
If necessary, the High…  
Date: 26-11-20
140. Escalating violence in Ethiopia   Ethiopia: New war crimes expected
Violent occupation of the city of Mekelle would be a wrongful collective punishment of the civilian population – and it would have to be seen as a war crime…  
Date: 24-11-20