
2466 results:
131. a law suit meant to silence Kurdish-expert Be#1;ikçi   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has labeled the planned law suit against internationally renowned Turkish sociologist and author Ismail Beşikçi as a "scandelous attempt to silence a…  
Date: 27-07-10
132. Religious minorities unprotected and without rights – blasphemy-ban contributes to violence   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the immediate abolishment of the blasphemy ban in the Pakistani government’s penal code in order to prevent further attacks on members of religious…  
Date: 30-07-10
133. Security Council deliberates a new mandate for UNAMID peacekeeping forces in West Sudan   On Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) declared the situation for the civilian population in West Sudan, which has been a battleground for the last seven years, a catastrophe. "At…  
Date: 03-08-10
134. Paris must come clean about the whereabouts of two Bedouins kidnapped in a military action   The Society for Threatened Peoples has called upon France’s Secretary of State Bernard Kouchner to come clean about the fate of two nomads kidnapped in northern Mali by a combined military action…  
Date: 03-08-10
135. Dramatic situation for human rights activists left out of the Afghanistan debate   Debates around the disclosure of the "Afghan War Diary” from Wikileaks on July 25th and the Kabul Conference on July 20th demonstrate large holes in the discussion, criticized the Society for…  
Date: 04-08-10
136. Ruthless exploitation of nature endangers indigenous peoples worldwide   Today more than ever, indigenous peoples around the world are standing with their backs to the proverbial wall. The Society for Threatened Peoples is drawing attention to this situation with its…  
Date: 09-08-10
137. A graveyard silence instead of Democracy in Rwanda - the threat of dictatorship despite elections   As the presidential elections take place today in Rwanda, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is raising serious charges against President Paul Kagame. "In Ruanda, the elections have created a…  
Date: 10-08-10
138. Christians protest against living in constant fear and declare the day of commemoration a "Black Day”   Christians will be protesting countrywide in Pakistan tomorrow on Pakistan’s "Minorities Day” against the discrimination and lack of protection they face. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)…  
Date: 10-08-10
139. International Red Cross should oversee the medical support of the 31 indian political Prisoners   31 Mapuche political prisoners are now one month into an indefinitely long hunger strike in Chile. On Thursday the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) turned to the International Committee of the…  
Date: 12-08-10
140. Blockade of humanitarian aid in Darfur violates international law: another war crime committed by Bashir?   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused the Sudanese government of breaking international law with its blockade of the Kalma Refugee Camp in southern Darfur, in which 82,000 people are…  
Date: 13-08-10