
2466 results:
121. Tigray still not calm 50 days after military intervention began   United Nations to send human rights experts to Ethiopia
Tigray faces man-made starvation disaster
Escalation of conflicts feared
Date: 20-12-20
122. Beheading videos from Nagorno-Karabakh   Beheading videos from Nagorno-Karabakh:
Videos of war crimes circulating on the Internet are authentic
STP calls for independent investigation and punishment of…  
Date: 15-12-20
123. China: New report on forced labor in cotton harvest   New report on forced labor in cotton harvest:
German government should urgently pass a supply chain law
Companies in the sector are unable to ensure that they don't profit…  
Date: 15-12-20
124. At least 27 dead in terror attack in Niger   At least 27 dead in Boko Haram attack in Niger:
About 900 homes and businesses burnt to the ground
Increasing attacks by Boko Haram in Niger and Chad
More than…  
Date: 14-12-20
125. 25th anniversary of the end of the Bosnian war (December 14)   25th anniversary of the end of the Bosnian war (December 14):
For the sake of the stability and future of the country, Valentin Inzko should pass a law against genocide denial – using his…  
Date: 13-12-20
126. Ethiopia: Refugees from Eritrea in distress   Attacks must be documented and punished
Refugees must not become victims of the new brotherhood of arms between Ethiopia and Eritrea
Date: 12-12-20
127. US recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara   US recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara:
Trump's erratic Africa policy ignores international law
STP warns about an impending escalation of the conflict in Northwest…  
Date: 11-12-20
128. No cooperation with supporters of genocide   STP campaign in front of the Chinese embassy:
Huawei Group should be excluded from plans to expand the 5G network
The company produces technical tools to facilitate the…  
Date: 10-12-20
129. Our Office in Berlin   Since April 2000, the main office in Göttingen has a branch office in Berlin. With Berlin being Germany's political center, this location is also important for the STP's lobbying work.  
Date: 10-12-20
130. International Human Rights Day (December 10)   International Human Rights Day (December 10):
Insufficient protection of civilian population in conflicts
Aid organizations are still not able to access Tigray
Date: 09-12-20