
2466 results:
91. Mass amnesty in Myanmar   Mass amnesty in Myanmar:
STP criticizes alleged release of hate preacher Wirathu, who ideologically and rhetorically supported the genocide crimes against the Rohingya
Junta probably…  
Date: 12-02-21
92. Myanmar military coup   A call for sanctions against Myanmar's military:
Germany and Europe must show solidarity and adopt sanctions
Military dictatorship will worsen the situation of minority groups…  
Date: 11-02-21
93. Annual general meeting of copper group Aurubis   Cologne/Münster/Göttingen/Berlin
A civil society alliance is calling on Aurubis AG to ensure more transparency in the copper supply chain. Further, the group should refrain from paying a…  
Date: 10-02-21
94. Environmental destruction and Corona in Brazil   Environmental destruction and Corona in Brazil:
After the new election of the presidents of both chambers of parliament, the impeachment proceedings are bound to fail
The situation of…  
Date: 05-02-21
95. Refugees from Eritrea need protection   Attacks on Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia:
Systematic destruction of two camps with originally 26,000 refugees, aid organization facilities burned down
Those who are responsible for…  
Date: 04-02-21
96. Disclaimer   Legal Disclaimer is the current website of Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Post Box 2024 37010 Göttingen Germany Telephone: +49 (0)551 499 06 0 Fax: +49 (0)551…  
Date: 04-02-21
97. One year before the start of the Olympic Winter Games in China (February 4)   One year before the start of the Olympic Winter Games in China (February 4):
IOC must clearly condemn China's repressive policies
The 2008 Summer Games had caused an increase…  
Date: 03-02-21
98. After the coup in Myanmar   After the coup in Myanmar:
STP demands EU sanctions against military-controlled companies
Assets of the coup generals were acquired through corruption and embezzlement 
Date: 02-02-21
99. ICC verdict against Ugandan rebel leader (February 4)   Verdict against Ugandan rebel leader (February 4):
ICC to convict LRA commander Dominic Ongwen.
Crimes against humanity and war crimes in 70 cases
Date: 02-02-21
100. Philippines Information and latest news on the situation in the Philippines  
Date: 02-02-21