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2083 results:
2071. STP: Serious charges of war crimes must be cleared up before the G20 Summit!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) appealed on Monday to the UN High Commissioner for…  
Date: 16-06-10
2072. Society for Threatened Peoples presents to ministers of the interior the Göttingen Declaration: No deportation of Roma to Kosovo!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) will present to the Conference of Ministers of the…  
Date: 28-05-10
2073. Punishment for violent offenders, but Buddhist agitators go unpunished   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Burmese security forces and the judiciary of stirring up violence between Buddhists and Muslims by failing to adequately proceed against Buddhist  
Date: 13-06-13
2074. No more deportations to the torturing state! Cancel the agreement on the return of refugees!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) is now calling on the members of the Committees to…  
Date: 26-01-10
2075. More than 100 dead as a result of conflict between ethnic groups - GfbV warns of collapse of peace process in South Sudan   … The Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) is warning of a collapse of the peace process in South Sudan following the…  
Date: 24-09-09
Percental score: 30
2076. Islamists prevent departure of acquitted Christian woman from Pakistan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands that Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was recently acquitted of blasphemy by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, should be granted freedom of movement and  
Date: 03-11-18
2077. Dramatic situation in Somalia: Where is the protection for the civilian population?   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has appealed to the temporary president Jens Böhrnsen…  
Date: 04-06-10
2078. Don’t give in to the pressure from Turkey – do not exclude the Kurds from the Syria-conference!   On Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen sent an urgent appeal to the Foreign Ministers of the United States and Russia to insist that Kurdish representatives must be able  
Date: 15-01-14
2079. Death of Osama bin Laden should be an opportunity to review the International Community's strategy towards Afghanistan   On Friday, the Society for Threatened People´s expert on questions regarding Afghanistan, Tillmann Schmalzried, demanded that the death of Osama bin Laden should be seen as an opportunity for the  
Date: 06-05-11
2080. Appeal: Development aid sent to Mauritania from the EU should be contingent upon Mauritanian abolishment of slavery.   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, GfbV) and the Anti-slavery movement IRA (Initiative pour la…  
Date: 23-06-10