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2083 results:
2061. Worldwide linguistic diversity is in acute danger   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses India's Hindu nationalist government of endangering linguistic diversity and the world's cultural heritage with its language policy. "India is unique  
Date: 16-09-19
2062. Wuhan lockdown one year ago (Jan. 23)   Wuhan lockdown one year ago (Jan. 23): Corona crisis has led to a significant deterioration in the human rights situation in China Repression against Internet users and citizen  
Date: 25-01-21
2063. Xi Jinping's war against human rights activists – A new report documents unprecedented persecutions in China   A few days before Xi Jinping's visit to Germany, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accused the Chinese President of being responsible for unprecedented persecutions of human rights activists.  
Date: 26-03-14
2064. Yazidi region of Sinjar in Iraq   Yazidi region of Sinjar in Iraq: Baghdad and Arbil argue over the status of the region German federal government should advocate special status Competing administrations create chaos  
Date: 20-10-20
2065. Yazidis thank Lower Saxony for providing support to victims of IS   Today, a delegation of Yazidi women, including victims of the “Islamic State” (IS), visited the Chancellery of Lower Saxony in Hanover.  
Date: 30-03-17
2066. Yemen: Bombing of civilian targets fuels cholera epidemic   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is sending out an appeal to Europe’s and America’s intellectuals to show commitment for the civil-war-shaken country of Yemen in order to prevent further  
Date: 03-08-17
2067. Yemen: No more armament deals with Saudi Arabia!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls on the German federal government suspend all arms exports to Saudi Arabia until the Sunni kingdom stops the air raids on targets in neighboring Yemen  
Date: 15-11-17
2068. Yemen: Period of eased blockade about to expire at the 19. January On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to the European Commission, demanding an end to the blockade of Yemen by Saudi Arabia.  
Date: 16-01-18
2069. Yezidi refugees in Iraq waiting to be rescued   A cry for help from the outer north-west of Iraq has reached the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP): Within only a few days, the Islamist ISIS-fighters are supposed to have killed at least 300  
Date: 07-08-14
2070. Your Holiness, please try to persuade President Obama to pardon the seriously ill Native American civil rights activist Leonard Peltier!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an urgent appeal to Pope Francis, asking him to use his meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House on September 23 to persuade Obama to  
Date: 18-09-15