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2083 results:
2061. Trial against Hozan Cane (July 14)   Trial against Hozan Cane (July 14): • German-Kurdish singer Hozan Cane (artist's name) has to appear in court in Turkey again • Previous sentence repealed due to lack of evidence • Her daughter,  
Date: 13-07-21
2062. Anniversary of the military coup in Turkey (July 15)   Anniversary of the military coup in Turkey (July 15) • Joint report by STP and International Journalists Association • 100 media workers still detained since the coup attempt • Federal  
Date: 15-07-21
2063. Weimar Human Rights Award   Weimar Human Rights Award for Kurdish oppositionist Selahattin Demirta?: • One of the most important opposition politicians in recent history of Turkey • Demirta? stands for a peaceful solution to  
Date: 22-07-21
2064. Law against holocaust denial in Bosnia and Herzegovina   Law against holocaust denial in Bosnia and Herzegovina: • STP welcomes overdue revision of the Bosnian criminal code • Bosnia and Herzegovina is moving closer to the legal norms and values of the  
Date: 26-07-21
2065. New High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina   New High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: • A Herculean task for Christian Schmidt • STP expects resistance to the new law against genocide denial • Headwind also from Serbia and Russia  
Date: 29-07-21
2066. An important decision   …Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) begrüßt die soeben durch den Stadtrat von Ingolstadt beschlossene…  
Date: 29-07-21
2067. Genocide crimes against the Yazidi people in northern Iraq (August 3, 2014)   Genocide crimes against the Yazidi people in northern Iraq (August 03, 2014): • Political quarrels prevent progress • Various militia groups in the region are trying to keep refugees from  
Date: 30-07-21
2068. An appeal to Syrian people living in Germany   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appeals to Syrian people living in Germany to support the "International Commission for Missing Persons" (ICMP) in its work.  
Date: 02-08-21
2069. Lebanon: Anniversary of the explosion in Beirut (August 4)   On the occasion of the catastrophic explosion in Beirut one year ago, the Society for Threatened Peoples sent an appeal to the German Federal Government, asking for support for an initiative by the  
Date: 04-08-21
2070. UN Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9)   UN Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9) Despite ILO Convention 169 and supply chain laws: Increasing threats and little hope for indigenous peoples Indigenous communities in Europe are fighting  
Date: 05-08-21