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2083 results:
2051. Presidential elections in Iran (June 18)   Presidential elections in Iran (June 18): • STP demands end to state oppression against the Bahá'í and other minorities • Smaller population groups must be given cultural and language rights • No  
Date: 15-06-21
2052. Worldwide day of action: Protest event at the Brandenburg Gate   Worldwide day of action: Protest event at the Brandenburg Gate Broad alliance of organizations criticizes IOC "The Olympic Winter Games must not take place in Beijing"  
Date: 21-06-21
2053. Protests in Brazil   Protests in Brazil: • STP condemns brutal crackdowns on indigenous protesters • Protests against a controversial draft law – police forces use tear gas and rubber bullets • Several people  
Date: 23-06-21
2054. Judgment of the Special Tribunal in The Hague (June 30)   Judgement of the Special Tribunal in the Hague (June 30): • Probably the last judgement of the Special Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia • Staniši?, the former Serbian head of state security, and  
Date: 28-06-21
2055. 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1)   100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1): • Still no access for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights • German politicians such as Hans-Peter Friedrich support Chinese propaganda  
Date: 28-06-21
2056. Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention (July 1)   Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention (July 1): • STP is concerned about Turkey's next step on its path towards Islamism • A decision to appease Erdogan's traditional voters • Resistance mainly  
Date: 30-06-21
2057. 12th anniversary of the riots in Urumqi (July 5, 2009)   12th anniversary of the riots in Urumqi (July 5, 2009): • Brutal crackdown on peaceful protests • As a consequence, many Uyghurs fled the country • Despite the fact that they are in danger, many  
Date: 05-07-21
2058. Criticism of the UN Human Rights Council   Criticism of the UN Human Rights Council: • Dictatorships protect each other from resolutions • UNHRC only shows real commitment when it comes to issuing resolutions against Israel • Not one  
Date: 07-07-21
2059. 26th anniversary of the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   26th anniversary of the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11): • Surviving victims want to know what happened to their relatives • Genocide denial and glorification of war criminals still commonplace  
Date: 08-07-21
2060. Border crossings to Syria   Border crossings to Syria: • Humanitarian care for millions of people at risk due to limited access • Most of the open border crossings are controlled by the Assad regime or by Islamist  
Date: 09-07-21