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2083 results:
2041. Ukrainian Foreign Minister visits Berlin (June 2)   Ukrainian Foreign Minister visits Berlin: Call for a clear rejection of plans to invite Russia to the G7 Crimea is still occupied, human rights violations continue, numerous media were closed  
Date: 02-06-20
2042. Secret prisons in Afrin   Attacks on Yazidi women in Afrin: Arab-Sunni militia runs secret women's prisons in Afrin Five Kurdish women identified in videos and pictures Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad calls for  
Date: 03-06-20
2043. Innocently imprisoned for more than 40 years   On June 26, 1975, two FBI agents were killed in a shootout in the Pine Ridge Reservation in southwestern South Dakota. Soon after, the authorities had identified the then 31-year-old indigenous  
Date: 24-06-20
2044. 25 years after the Srebrenica Genocide (11.7.1995)   … sombre occasion, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) / Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is today…  
Date: 29-06-20
2045. Abductions and forced conversion in Pakistan   Abductions and forced conversion in Pakistan: STP warns of increase in forced marriage of Christian and Hindu girls and young women Destitute parents need support to take legal action  
Date: 08-06-20
2046. Covid-19 in Brazil   Covid-19: Brazil's indigenous people help themselves: Indigenous umbrella organization publishes regularly updated figures Mortality rate among indigenous peoples much higher than among the general  
Date: 10-06-20
2047. US experts denied entry to India   US experts denied entry to India: Visas denied because of criticism of lack of religious freedom Latest annual report of internationally renowned US Commission on International Religious Freedom  
Date: 12-06-20
2048. Covid-19 is spreading into French Guiana   Covid-19 is spreading into French Guiana: The virus is carried by illegal miners from Brazil Indigenous peoples in the border region are particularly at risk The medical care situation  
Date: 15-06-20
2049. 180+ Orgs Demand Apparel Brands End Complicity in Uyghur Forced Labour   … • Zegn Hanno Schedler, STP-Expert, GfbV, Uiguren, China  
Date: 23-07-20
2050. Racism against indigenous peoples in Europe   Truth Commissions to assess racism against Sami: STP praises plans to establish Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sweden Forced assimilation, forced resettlement, and denial of fundamental  
Date: 19-06-20