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2083 results:
1981. USA: Native Americans protest against the Dakota Access pipeline On Thursday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) urged the Deutsche Bank and the Bavarian State Bank “Bayern LB” to quit the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in North Dakota, as the  
Date: 01-12-16
1982. USA: Obama should fulfil an indigenous civil rights activist his last heartfelt wish   Indian civil rights activist Leonard Peltier has been in custody for more than 40 years because of a crime that he could hardly have committed.  
Date: 10-01-17
1983. USA: Stage victory for the Standing Rock Sioux: Dakota Access Pipeline project suspended From the viewpoint of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the fact that the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project in North Dakota has been suspended is an important stage victory for the  
Date: 06-12-16
1984. USA: “Over my dead body!” Several indigenous communities are vehemently against Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall along the border between the US and Mexico. According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in  
Date: 13-01-17
1985. Uyghur conflict in China threatens to escalate further!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), accuses China's judicial authorities of wrongfully trying to silence Ilham Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist and professor of economics. This is an  
Date: 16-09-14
1986. Uyghur human rights activist expelled from UN premises   Several international human rights organizations are deeply concerned about the fact that human rights activists are increasingly cut short in United Nations (UN) debates.  
Date: 08-05-17
1987. Uyghur refugees deported from Thailand: Eyewitnesses report killing of 25 refugees According to eyewitness reports, up to 25 Uyghur refugees were shot dead when they tried to resist being deported from Thailand to China. Thus, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands  
Date: 09-07-15
1988. Uyghur refugees threatened with deportation   China ratifies extradition treaty with Turkey 50,000 refugees fear for their safety Persecuted people must not become victims of the economic crisis in Turkey  
Date: 28-12-20
1989. Vatican extends agreement with China   Vatican extends agreement with China: STP criticizes Apostolic See's kowtow to the Communist Party Ongoing increase in violations of religious freedom in China Hong Kong's Christian community  
Date: 23-10-20
1990. Verdict against IS returnee   Verdict against IS returnee: German justice system must prosecute crimes, not just membership in terror organization Federal government should seek direct contact with the Kurdish-led autonomous  
Date: 23-09-20