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2083 results:
1961. New EU sanctions mechanism   New EU sanctions mechanism: Sanctions based on the Magnitsky Act are an important first step EU must give up its reluctance to criticize Chinese government and other unjust regimes There is no  
Date: 04-12-20
1962. Forced resettlement to Bhasan Char   Forced resettlement of Rohingya people to Bhasan Char: Resettlement to flood-prone prison island must end immediately Myanmar must allow refugees to return Forced resettlement  
Date: 06-12-20
1963. A civil society appeal to the German state interior ministers   On the occasion of the Conference of the Ministers of the Interior, which begins on Wednesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Paritätische Gesamtverband, ProAsyl, Medico International,  
Date: 07-12-20
1964. International Human Rights Day (December 10)   International Human Rights Day (December 10): Insufficient protection of civilian population in conflicts Aid organizations are still not able to access Tigray No resistance against  
Date: 09-12-20
1965. No cooperation with supporters of genocide   STP campaign in front of the Chinese embassy: Huawei Group should be excluded from plans to expand the 5G network The company produces technical tools to facilitate the genocide of  
Date: 10-12-20
1966. US recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara   US recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara: Trump's erratic Africa policy ignores international law STP warns about an impending escalation of the conflict in Northwest Africa An  
Date: 11-12-20
1967. Ethiopia: Refugees from Eritrea in distress   Attacks must be documented and punished Refugees must not become victims of the new brotherhood of arms between Ethiopia and Eritrea  
Date: 12-12-20
1968. 25th anniversary of the end of the Bosnian war (December 14)   25th anniversary of the end of the Bosnian war (December 14): For the sake of the stability and future of the country, Valentin Inzko should pass a law against genocide denial – using his Bonn  
Date: 13-12-20
1969. At least 27 dead in terror attack in Niger   At least 27 dead in Boko Haram attack in Niger: About 900 homes and businesses burnt to the ground Increasing attacks by Boko Haram in Niger and Chad More than 30,000 dead in  
Date: 14-12-20
1970. China: New report on forced labor in cotton harvest   New report on forced labor in cotton harvest: German government should urgently pass a supply chain law Companies in the sector are unable to ensure that they don't profit from forced  
Date: 15-12-20