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2083 results:
1961. 5th anniversary of the genocide crimes against the Yazidis of northern Iraq (August 3)   The STP study by German-Yazidi psychologist Prof. Dr. med. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan documents the trauma of the genocide and attempts at psychosocial healing. STP calls for protection and reconstruction  
Date: 30-07-19
1962. STP-Report on the Year of Indigenous Languages The United Nations declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Indigenous Languages – and the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) will now publish a study on indigenous languages (German  
Date: 05-08-19
1963. STP-ralley on the International Day of Indigenous Peoples   On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) held a rally on the Platz der Republik in Berlin – in order to draw attention to  
Date: 12-08-19
1964. Indigenous women's march in Brazil   The "National Forum of Indigenous Women" in Brazil's capital started on August 9, under the title "Territory: Our Body, Our Spirit". A total number of 2,000 indigenous women are discussing ways to  
Date: 14-08-19
1965. Is US President Trump planning to buy Greenland?   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that the right to self-determination of Greenland's indigenous peoples must not be ignored, emphasizing that the Greenlanders should be able to decide  
Date: 16-08-19
1966. Terrorist attack on a Shiite wedding ceremony in Kabul   Following a severe terrorist attack on a Shiite wedding ceremony in Afghanistan, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demanded that Germany should stop the extraditions of members of the Shiite  
Date: 19-08-19
1967. Suspected war criminal becomes Chief of Sri Lankan army According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the appointment of a war criminal as Chief of the Sri Lankan army is a serious setback regarding reconciliation between the hostile population  
Date: 20-08-19
1968. EU suspends migration cooperation with Sudan   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused the European Union (EU) of having promoted the rise of a mass murderer through its migration cooperation with Sudan. The commander of the infamous  
Date: 19-08-19
1969. Human rights action in front of the SPD federal headquarters   Today, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and Dr. Anita Schug, a representative of the European Rohingya Council, organized a joint human rights campaign in front of the SPD headquarters in  
Date: 22-08-19
1970. The Amazon is burning   Meanwhile, the Amazon has been burning for almost two weeks. According to the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), 36 indigenous protected areas are affected by the fires.  
Date: 22-08-19