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2083 results:
1941. Bahai'i in Yemen threatened with execution   The Society for Threatened Peoples warns against the possible execution of Hamed bin Haydara in Yemen. Today, a Houthi appeals court will decide on the case of the Baha'i man who had been sentenced  
Date: 30-04-19
1942. Mourning the loss of human rights activist and fairy tale researcher Ines Köhler-Zülch   After a long illness, the international fairy tale researcher and human rights activist Ines Köhler-Zülch passed away in Göttingen at the age of 77. The co-editor of the fairytale-encyclopedia  
Date: 03-05-19
1943. Dispute at the UN concerning Chinese re-education camps   The Chinese government is trying to slander human rights activists who dare to denounce the re-education camps in Xinjiang. Last Wednesday, Dolkun Isa spoke at the United Nations in New York on  
Date: 02-05-19
1944. Erdogan-backed militias in northern Syria   According to reports, Jihadist militias are torturing Kurdish prisoners in the Syrian-Kurdish region of Afrin. The Islamists are supported by Turkey and tolerated by the NATO alliance. Meanwhile,  
Date: 10-05-19
1945. Uprising of the civil society in Sudan Last night, members of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) opened fire on peaceful protesters in Khartoum. Using tear gas, truncheons, and live ammunition, the militiamen tried to clear an  
Date: 15-05-19
1946. Brazil: Infrastructure project aims to restrict NGOs   The Brazilian government has initiated another infrastructure project in the Amazon, and several indigenous communities see it as a targeted attack on their rights. In an article, project leader  
Date: 27-05-19
1947. Death of a prominent political prisoner in Algeria Yesterday, the Algerian human rights activist Dr. Kamel Eddine Fekhar died from the consequences of a hunger strike. The fact that he died in the custody of the authorities highlights the  
Date: 29-05-19
1948. 30 years after the Tiananmen Square massacre   On June 4, 1989, hundreds (or perhaps thousands) of people got killed in the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations. The government in Beijing is still trying to suppress commemorations of  
Date: 04-06-19
1949. Impunity in Burma Still no legal consequences for the massacres of the Muslim Rohingya minority in Burma: A few soldiers were sentenced to ten years imprisonment, but were secretly released shortly after. Several  
Date: 05-06-19
1950. Serious human rights violations in Sudan Sudan's ruling military council is using systematic disinformation to avoid international protests against the brutality of the militia groups and the regular army. Today, Sudan's army stated that  
Date: 11-06-19