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2083 results:
1931. Brazil: one fatality every four hours expected The indigenous peoples of Brazil might soon be without a functioning healthcare system, and human rights activists are extremely worried about an impending disaster. Some of the districts in question  
Date: 26-03-19
1932. Cameroon: More and more kidnappings in connection with the civil war   Yesterday, a university football team was abducted in Buea. It was the fourth politically motivated abduction in the Anglophone regions within two days. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)  
Date: 21-03-19
1933. German Federal Cabinet advises on continuation of Bundeswehr-mission in the scope of MINUSMA Today, the German Federal Cabinet will decide on the continuation of the Bundeswehr mission in Mali. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands clear objectives for Germany's participation in  
Date: 03-04-19
1934. One dead in protests in Sudan Following the violent death of a doctor in the course of public protests in Sudan, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) condemns the use of live ammunition in crackdowns on protests in the  
Date: 08-04-19
1935. EU-China Summit in Brussels (April 9) The European Union must demand the Chinese government to put an end to the serious human rights violations against the Uyghurs and Kazakhs – and the issue must be addressed in the joint statement of  
Date: 08-04-19
1936. Blocking of social media platforms in Sudan The Sudanese authorities are deliberately blocking social media platforms in order to prevent anti-government protests. Last weekend, 28 million mobile phone users were affected. So far, 66 people  
Date: 09-04-19
1937. World Roma Day (April 8) On the occasion of the World Roma Day on April 8, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) would like to draw attention to the ongoing systematic discrimination against members of this minority.  
Date: 05-04-19
1938. Overthrow of the Sudanese dictator Omar Hassan al Bashir The overthrow of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al Bashir was an "impressive victory for an often underrated peaceful protest movement": The STP welcomes the announced release of political prisoners  
Date: 11-04-19
1939. SUdan: Another war criminal in power The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Deputy Chairman of the new transitional government in Sudan of war crimes, demanding him to be removed from office. "General Mohamed Hamdan, who  
Date: 15-04-19
1940. Elections in Indonesia (April 17) On the occasion of tomorrow's elections in Indonesia, the Society for Threatened Peoples warns that the situation of the religious minorities will most probably grow worse. In his election campaign,  
Date: 16-04-19