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2083 results:
1921. Afrin under Turkish occupation   One year after the attack on Afrin, which was a violation of international law, Turkish troops continue to occupy the Kurdish region in northern Syria. Kamal Sido, Middle East Consultant of the  
Date: 14-03-19
1922. Invitation to press conference   The Society for Threatened Peoples cordially invites you to a press conference on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 from 11:00 am to about 12:30 pm; held in the “Domzimmer” of the Haus der Evangelischen  
Date: 13-03-19
1923. China-critical human rights activists under pressure in Kazakhstan Today, a court in Astana will decide whether the pro-Chinese charges against Serikzhan Bilash, the founder of the human rights organization Atajurt, will be upheld. He was arrested on March 9, 2019,  
Date: 19-03-19
1924. More than 8,000 captured IS fighters in northern Syria:   According to information from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, there are currently 8360 fighters of "Islamic State" (IS) in the hands of the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria – and the  
Date: 20-03-19
1925. Karadžic Appeal Procedure (March 20, 2019)   Radovan Karadzic was sentenced to 40 years in prison – for genocide crimes in Srebrenica, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The appeals court in The Hague will announce its judgement on March  
Date: 18-03-19
1926. President of Kazakhstan resigns – human rights activists demand support for persecuted Kazakhs   Following the surprising resignation of Kazakhstan's longtime President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the new state leadership to provide consistent support  
Date: 20-03-19
1927. Elections in Thailand (March 24) – The forgotten civil war in the south In the run-up to the parliamentary elections in Thailand, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the new state leadership to show more commitment to peace in the south of the country.  
Date: 22-03-19
1928. Mali: Increasing attacks of the Dogon against Peulh nomads Following the violent deaths of 115 villagers in a raid in Mali, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the government of the country of serious neglect. The violence between the Dogon and  
Date: 25-03-19
1929. 100 days of protests in Sudan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands Sudan to release hundreds of protesters. The protests against the rule of President Omar Hassan al Bashir, who has been ruling the country for 30  
Date: 25-03-19
1930. Saudi Arabia: Criticism of arms exports also in France and Great Britain According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), arms exports to Saudi Arabia must remain suspended. Today, the German government will once again try to settle the coalition dispute on this  
Date: 27-03-19