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2083 results:
1871. Morocco: The Partnership Agreement is not enough put an end to arbitrary justice   [Translate to Englisch:] The Partnership Agreement between Morocco and Germany – which was signed as part of the Compact with Africa in Berlin on Tuesday, and which aims to promote a rule of law and democracy in Morocco – is  
Date: 01-11-18
1872. Islamists prevent departure of acquitted Christian woman from Pakistan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands that Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was recently acquitted of blasphemy by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, should be granted freedom of movement and  
Date: 03-11-18
1873. Cameroon: Kidnapping of students is a crime against humanity   [Translate to Englisch:] Several groups who are fighting for an independent Anglophone state of Ambazonia have been calling for a boycott of the Cameroonian schools for months. They are accusing the government of  
Date: 06-11-18
1874. Bundestag discusses human rights violations against Uyghurs and Kazakhs in northwestern China According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the German Federal Government should investigate what role China's high-tech companies are playing in connection with human rights violations  
Date: 08-11-18
1875. Ethiopia: Mass grave discovered in Ogaden Following the discovery of a mass grave in Ethiopia, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called for comprehensive investigations into the serious human rights violations committed by previous  
Date: 09-11-18
1876. Cambodia: Verdict at the Khmer Rouge Special Tribunal is a milestone in the fight against impunity … bezeichnete die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) das heutige Urteil des Khmer Rouge-Sondertribunals in…  
Date: 16-11-18
1877. Burma: Construction of deep water port reveals ruthless power interests   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of ignoring the serious human rights violations in Burma in order to pursue its power interests in Southeast Asia.  
Date: 20-11-18
1878. Central Africa: Massacre of 60 Christians must be investigated! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for an independent investigation into the conduct of the UN peacekeeping force MINUSCA in connection with a massacre in the Central African Republic, in  
Date: 22-11-18
1879. Burma (Myanmar): New Rohingya mass exodus expected The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that there will be another Rohingya mass exodus from Burma.  
Date: 29-11-18
1880. Mass arrests of Papuans in Indonesia Following mass arrests of indigenous Papuans in Indonesia, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the release of the detainees – as well as an end to the criminalization of protests.  
Date: 03-12-18