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2083 results:
1841. Human rights violations are intensifying armed conflict and famine – a critical view upon the European policy toward Somalia   The radical Islamic militias of Al Shabaab have publicly decapitated several shepherds in Somalia because they refused to hand over the last few of their animals that survived the famine. According  
Date: 25-07-11
1842. Now that Goran Hadzic has been arrested, Serbia must stop relativizing culpability for crimes of genocide!   In light of the arrest of the alleged war criminal Goran Hadzic, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen calls on Belgrade to stop trying to relativize culpability for the crime of  
Date: 20-07-11
1843. Iraq: Kirkuk should set an example of all ethnic groups living together in peace   This Monday, July 18, some 150 personages of all nationalities and religious denominations in Iraq will be meeting together in this northern Iraqi city under the aegis of the Chaldean-Catholic Bishop  
Date: 15-07-11
1844. Arms deal with Angola violates German guidelines   The planned delivery of patrol boats to Angola is a flagrant violation of German arms export guidelines, criticizes the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). There is no way to rule out the  
Date: 14-07-11
1845. Peace agreement without peace - Darfur refugees demand safety, not empty promises   "Eyewash” is what the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls the Darfur Peace Agreement, which is supposed to be signed in Doha (Quatar) on 14th July 2011. The almost two million displaced people  
Date: 13-07-11
1846. Help comes too late for tens of thousands of nomads - threat of starvation is also man-made   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the governments of East Africa and the International Community of being partly responsible for the famine at the Horn of Africa. Not only the  
Date: 12-07-11
1847. Break the silence on the complicity of France and Great Britain in the genocide in Bosnia!   On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the massacre of Srebrenica, the STP appeals to media, the public and politicians to break the silence that has long surrounded the complicity of the French  
Date: 11-07-11
1848. Ensure open access for journalists, aid workers and human rights organizations   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) today directed a written appeal to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urging him to ensure open access to Syrian refugee camps in the Turkish  
Date: 07-07-11
1849. Energy partnership without human rights?   The Chancellors objective for her trip to Africa next week – an energy partnership with Angola and Nigeria – is questionable, because the German commitment towards human rights is not credible.  
Date: 07-07-11
1850. A just decision for survivors of the genocide in Srebrenica   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) together with survivors of the UN's so-called "safe zone" in Srebrenica welcomed the verdict (July 5) handed down by a court of appeal in The Hague yesterday,  
Date: 06-07-11