
2175 results:
801. Human rights activists demand Gabriel to make clear statement concerning the Rohingya conflict The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has asked Foreign Minister Gabriel to make a clear statement concerning the Rohingya refugee crisis in Burma.  
Date: 07-09-17
802. Rohingya refugee crisis – Welcoming culture in Asia?   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the persecuted members of the Rohingya minority from Burma/Myanmar should be better protected and provided shelter in Asia.  
Date: 06-09-17
803. Guaraní-Kaiowá need help to enforce their land rights and to end violence   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the endangered Guaraní-Kaiowá in Brazil are asking the European public to put more pressure on the Brazilian government to end the violence  
Date: 05-09-17
804. European Union and US fail in the Rohingya conflict   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused the European Union (EU) and the United States of fueling the human rights crisis by remaining silent about the Rohingya conflict.  
Date: 05-09-17
Percental score: 3
805. Innocent Mapuche healer in court in Chile   Foto: Pedro Cayuqueo …On the occasion of the “International Day of Indigenous Women” (September 5), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)…  
Date: 04-09-17
Percental score: 9
806. Ex-Chancellor reaffirms his commitment to Rosneft   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), it is “misleading” of former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to claim that Russia is being “demonized” in the dispute over his possible  
Date: 31-08-17
Percental score: 11
807. Security Council discusses Rohingya conflict in Burma / Myanmar   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has urged the government of Bangladesh to take up Rohingya refugees who are on the run from the escalating violence in Rakhine state in neighboring Burma.  
Date: 30-08-17
808. Sharp criticism of Paris Summit   On Tuesday, the Göttingen-based human rights organization Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticized the results of the Paris Refugee Summit, stating that if applications for asylum by refugees  
Date: 29-08-17
809. The situation of the Guaraní-Kaiowá is getting more serious   Human rights activists from Europe are helping the indigenous Guarani-Kaiowá, who live in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and who feel left alone by the Brazilian government, to defend their land  
Date: 28-08-17
Percental score: 3
810. The autonomous Kurdish region of Northern Syria is getting more unsafe   The Society for Threatened Peoples has sent an appeal to the President of the United Nations Security Council, Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta, hoping that it will be possible to prevent an imminent attack  
Date: 22-08-17
Percental score: 5