
2466 results:
151. UN Secretary General warns about war in Western Sahara   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the European Union to show more commitment to ensure that the MINURSO mission in Western Sahara will be continued.  
Date: 21-04-16
152. UN must condemn expulsion of Armenian Christians from Syria and keep Turkey within bounds   As the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen reported on Thursday, several Armenian associations in Germany and all over the world have sent an urgent appeal to Ban Ki-Moon,…  
Date: 03-04-14
153. UN must compensate Roma refugees   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), there is new evidence that Roma refugees who were accommodated in UN refugee camps in Kosovo have suffered long-term health problems due to the…  
Date: 05-03-18
154. UN Human Rights Council: 15 new members elected   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expects that the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN) will be facing a credibility problem in the coming years. Some of the states that the UN…  
Date: 22-10-14
155. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights visits Addis Ababa (May 2 - 4)   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has appealed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, to use his visit to Ethiopia to advocate for an end to political persecution…  
Date: 02-05-17
156. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights must ascertain fate of 376 condemned prisoners   UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, must find out what has happened to the 376 Uighurs convicted of "crimes against the national security" of China in 2010. The Society for…  
Date: 18-01-11
157. UN General Assembly elects new members to UN Human Rights Council The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that the UN Human Rights Council is about to lose credibility if it doesn’t show more commitment to human rights.  
Date: 27-10-16
158. UN Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9)   UN Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9)

Despite ILO Convention 169 and supply chain laws: Increasing threats and little hope for indigenous peoples

Date: 05-08-21
159. UN Climate Change Conference: More help for indigenous peoples needed On occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demanded for more help for the indigenous peoples of the Scandinavian and Russian Arctic, who are…  
Date: 03-12-18
160. Ultimatum by the terrorist group Boko Haram   An ultimatum by the terrorist group Boko Haram in Niger: The Christian population is ordered to leave the region of Diffa until today, or they would be killed. The three-day ultimatum was handed over…  
Date: 14-06-19