
2175 results:
781. Diamonds are fueling the civil war, not religion!   "Global diamond trade is the main reason for the war in the Central African Republic – not religion!" This is what the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) stated in Göttingen on Wednesday, after the  
Date: 11-06-14
782. Gabriel accused of "double standards" concerning arms trade – German arms exports to non-NATO countries at record level   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses Sigmar Gabriel, the Federal Economy Minister, of "double standards" concerning arms exports. "In public, Gabriel preaches abstinence. At the same  
Date: 11-06-14
783. An appeal to the Minister of the Interior: Take up 50,000 Syrians and enable family reunions! A right to stay for Roma families that have been living in Germany for many years!   On occasion of the opening of the Interior Ministers Conference in Bonn, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an urgent appeal to the politicians on Wednesday, asking them to help alleviate  
Date: 11-06-14
784. An appeal to Barack Obama: Please free Leonard Peltier, the seriously ill Native American civil rights activist!   On occasion of the visit of US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to the Lakota reservation "Standing Rock" in North Dakota, the Society for Threatened Peoples would like to draw attention  
Date: 13-06-14
Percental score: 4
785. Albinos in East Africa must be better protected   …On occasion of the International Albinism Day (June 13th), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands better…  
Date: 13-06-14
Percental score: 7
786. Society for Threatened Peoples calls for an end to deportations of refugee families with children that were born or raised in Germany   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for end to deportations of refugee families with children that were born or raised in Germany. "Our politicians and authorities are responsible for  
Date: 20-06-14
787. A serious setback for religious freedom and minority protection   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), today's decision of the Malaysian Supreme Court that Christians are not allowed to use "Allah" as a translation for "God" is a serious setback  
Date: 23-06-14
788. Decent results for slavery critic and winner of the Weimar Human Rights Prize   Surprisingly, Biram Dah Abeid – slavery critic and winner of the Weimar Human Rights Prize – received the second most votes in the presidential elections in Mauritania last Saturday. "This is an  
Date: 23-06-14
789. Authorities bereave hundreds of churches of their crosses and intimidate believers   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the suppressive measures against Christian churches in China has reached a new peak: Following official orders, crosses were removed from church  
Date: 24-06-14
790. Mass murderer Omar Hassan al-Bashir must finally be held accountable in court!   …The international community must show more effort to enforce the international arrest warrant against Sudan's incumbent…  
Date: 27-06-14
Percental score: 9