
378 results:
261. China: Wen Jiabao's dream of harmony in the People's Republic remains a pipe dream   … Minister Wen Jiabao is to ignore the catastrophic human rights situation in the People's Republic of China," criticized the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Monday in Göttingen. Some 500 mass protests…  
Date: 28-06-11
Percental score: 64
262. China: Volkswagen is losing credibility due to violations of the company's principles … Yesterday, CEO Herbert Diess told the BBC that he was not informed about any re-education camps in China – a topic that was covered by all German and international media since the summer of 2018. Thus, the…  
Date: 17-04-19
Percental score: 64
263. China: Uighurs threatened to be deported to China …Uyghurs refugees from China must be better protected against deportation.  
Date: 24-11-16
Percental score: 97
264. China: Tibetans are kept from taking part in Buddhist teachings of the Dalai Lama …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China’s authorities of systematically keeping Tibetan people from taking part in Buddhist teachings of the Dalai Lama.  
Date: 12-01-17
Percental score: 68
265. China: Three children killed in the fight against terrorism   …y for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded an independent investigation into police operations in north-west China that cost the lives of three children.  
Date: 20-11-15
Percental score: 66
266. China: Steinmeier should advocate for human rights   … to Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to advocate for persecuted human rights activists in China. Steinmeier is expected in Beijing on Sunday. In China, there are drastic sentences against human…  
Date: 11-04-14
Percental score: 70
267. China: Show trials in the run-up to the plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party …In the run-up to the plenary session of China’s Communist Party, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused Chinese President Xi Jinping of relying on Mao’s terror methods to silence critics and competitors in…  
Date: 20-10-16
Percental score: 65
268. China: Secret documents concerning Communist party's propaganda campaign published   …"The propaganda campaign started in 2011 by the Communist party in China is being felt in Europe and within human rights panels in the United Nations as well, warned the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Tuesday…  
Date: 28-06-11
Percental score: 66
269. China: Questionable “development” and measures against poverty in Tibet The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Chinese government of pressing ahead with the Sinicization of Tibet under the guise of “development” and measures against poverty – making the  
Date: 09-03-16
Percental score: 70
270. China: No sign of life from arrested photographer for three weeks … police in the Xinjiang region on November 3, 2018, while he was on a lecture tour in northwestern China.  
Date: 28-11-18
Percental score: 74