
2466 results:
141. Hunger and escalating violence in Tigray   Hunger and escalating violence in Tigray:
Quiet diplomacy has failed: STP demands pressure by the Federal Government
Political solution needed to avoid a long and costly guerrilla war…  
Date: 20-11-20
142. 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials (November 20)   75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials (November 20):
Under Biden, the United States should strengthen international criminal justice
US have never been a member of the…  
Date: 19-11-20
143. 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement (November 21)   25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement (November 21):
The agreement ended the war in Bosnia, but the balance is sobering
Ethnic division cemented, Serbian influence…  
Date: 18-11-20
144. Ethiopia: War despite the Nobel Peace Prize   Die Regionalgruppe Hamburg der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) veranstaltet eine Podiumsdiskussion zur aktuellen Lage in Äthiopien, zu der wir Sie herzlich einladen.  
Date: 16-11-20
145. Ceasefire in Western Sahara fails after 29 years   Human rights organization warns of consequences of war in Western Sahara
North Africa threatened with further destabilization
European Union must step up peace efforts
Date: 16-11-20
146. Freedom of the press in the civil war in Ethiopia   Freedom of the press in the civil war in Ethiopia:
Arbitrary arrests of journalists fuel fear and self-censorship
Four media workers arrested in the last 24 hours alone
It is…  
Date: 16-11-20
147. Local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina   Local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Election campaigns once again strongly characterized by nationalist rhetoric
According to forecasts, the parties that have been dominant so…  
Date: 13-11-20
148. Local elections in Brazil (November 15)   Significantly more indigenous candidates in local elections in Brazil:
39 mayoral offices, 73 deputy positions, and 2,082 city council seats to be filled
2,194 indigenous candidates,…  
Date: 11-11-20
149. Controversial project of the Welthungerhilfe   Welthungerhilfe plans to renovate houses for Islamist occupation troops:
Islamist militiamen and their families are now living in houses that belonged to displaced Kurdish families 
Date: 10-11-20
150. War in Nagorno-Karabakh   War in Nagorno-Karabakh:
Widespread use of prohibited weapons such as cluster bombs and phosphorus ammunition
Bombings of residential areas, schools, kindergartens, and hospitals  
Date: 09-11-20