
378 results:
211. Better protection for refugees from North Korea   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands better protection for refugees from North Korea.  
Date: 11-08-17
Percental score: 25
212. The Swiss Bundesrat (Federal Council) is willing to take two Guantanamo Uighurs. What a shame that Germany did not have the courage for such a great humanitarian gesture!   … is a great humanitarian gesture which we would have hoped to see from Germany”, said the China expert, Ulrich Delius. It is shameful for Germany that "small” Switzerland had the guts to stand…  
Date: 03-02-10
Percental score: 25
213. No religious freedom for former party officials   …In China, even former communist party officials must stay atheists and are not allowed to practice any religion – as was recently announced in new guidelines published by the Organization Department of the Communist…  
Date: 08-02-16
Percental score: 25
214. Human rights action in front of the Chancellery   …Protests on the occasion of the EU-China video conference: STP demands unequivocal rejection of the policy of oppression EU must be more open to dissent Boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics if necessary  
Date: 14-09-20
Percental score: 25
215. Beijing tightens pressure on human rights activists …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the verbal attacks of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs against the Uyghur human rights activist Dolkun Isa – who lives in Germany – as “unfounded and defamatory”.  
Date: 17-02-16
Percental score: 25
216. Uyghur refugees deported from Thailand: Eyewitnesses report killing of 25 refugees … up to 25 Uyghur refugees were shot dead when they tried to resist being deported from Thailand to China. Thus, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands independent investigations into the incident,…  
Date: 09-07-15
Percental score: 25
217. A call for human rights for Tibetans and Uyghurs   …Shortly before the 17th EU-China Summit, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an appeals to the European government leaders, asking them to advocate for the human rights of the Tibetans and Uyghurs as well…  
Date: 29-06-15
Percental score: 25
218. Chinese Nobel Peace Prize winner is incurably ill   … the Chinese Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo has been set free is not to be seen as a sign that China’s leaders have become more tolerant or open towards criticism.  
Date: 26-06-17
Percental score: 25
219. Four million students mobilized for internet propaganda   China's Communist Party recruits four million students at China's universities in order to spread internet propaganda and to spy out the e-mail traffic of Uyghurs.  
Date: 26-06-15
Percental score: 26
220. Sudan’s President Bashir, who is targeted by an international arrest warrant, visits Beijing …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused the People’s Republic of China of subverting and undermining the worldwide fight against impunity for serious human rights violations.  
Date: 30-08-18
Percental score: 26