
378 results:
221. Tibetans are in fear of losing their culture and identity   …In 2011, China's railroads carried 6,5 million travelers to Tibet. According to the "Qinghai-Tibet Railway Company", it was mainly Chinese tourists and migrants who used the railway line that was opened in 2006. This…  
Date: 06-01-12
Percental score: 20
222. Japan should officially apologize to women who were forced into prostitution during World War II … Japan’s government should unambiguously apologize for the abuse of about 200,000 women from Korea, China and other countries, and offer financial compensation to those who survived being forced into…  
Date: 14-08-15
Percental score: 20
223. Persecutions in Tibet and campaign against the Dalai Lama continue   … results: Despite all the promises for reform, the Chinese policy on Tibet has not changed at all. China still rules Tibet with an iron fist.  
Date: 04-11-13
Percental score: 20
224. 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1)   100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1): • Still no access for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights • German politicians such as Hans-Peter Friedrich support Chinese propaganda  
Date: 28-06-21
Percental score: 20
225. A bitter conclusion: Society for Threatened Peoples criticizes that Mao’s terror is still alive today   …On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution in China (May 16), the latest issue of the magazine “Bedrohte Völker – pogrom” – which is published by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) –…  
Date: 10-05-16
Percental score: 20
226. Glacial melt due to climate change threatens Tibet and over one billion people in Asia - Dalai Lama concerned   … all over South and Southeast Asia," said Ulrich Delius, head of the STP's Asia section in Göttingen. "China's response to glacial melt has been the construction of more dams – which causes more problems than it…  
Date: 05-01-11
Percental score: 19
227. Saber rattling from Beijing   Saber rattling from Beijing: CP is again trying to undermine the "one country, two systems" principle 10,000 soldiers ready to enforce Beijing's interests STP: "European politics  
Date: 26-05-20
Percental score: 19
228. Mo Yan mocks victims of censorship – Human rights activists recall the case of an author and publisher who has been imprisoned for 17 years   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Chinese author Mo Yan of playing down censorship in China while dozens of writers and publishers are still imprisoned for political reasons. The fate of the Mongolian…  
Date: 07-12-12
Percental score: 19
229. 5G mobile licenses: exclude Chinese enterprises! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has appealed to the German Federal Network Agency to exclude Chinese companies from the bidding process due to a lack of data security and transparency  
Date: 18-12-18
Percental score: 19
230. "Xi Jinping's Great Digital Wall": A new report documents Chinese violations of Internet freedom   …On occasion of the opening of the computer fair CeBIT, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China, the official partner country, of violating Internet freedom – both at home as well as on a global scale.…  
Date: 12-03-15
Percental score: 19