
2466 results:
191. Proceedings help little in fighting piracy near the Horn of Africa   As the first trial of Somali pirates begins in Hamburg, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expressed doubts that the trial will help deter piracy. "Until action is taken against the…  
Date: 02-12-10
192. China's best known human rights attorney disappeared 7 months ago   Gao Zhisheng, China's best known human rights attorney, disappeared 7 months ago. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) drew attention on Friday to the fate of this committed Protestant, called…  
Date: 02-12-10
193. Human rights of over 700,000 indigenous people violated for more than a decade   Thirteen years after the signing of a peace accord between the government of Bangladesh and the indigenous population in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), the human rights situation of the…  
Date: 16-12-10
194. More than 70,000 affected by flood disaster – Europe must help   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on the European Union to bolster emergency aid for Tamils in northern Sri Lanka. "Since mid-November 2010, torrential rains and flooding have…  
Date: 16-12-10
195. Wife of imprisoned Mongolian human rights activist Hada arrested   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded the immediate release of the wife of imprisoned Mongolian human rights activist Hada, who was arrested last weekend. The book dealer and…  
Date: 16-12-10
196. Notorious deniers of human rights flock to China's side   "International Deniers of Human Rights:" That is what the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has termed the 19 nations that have declared solidarity with the political leadership in China by not…  
Date: 20-12-10
197. Human rights activist demand release of imprisoned dissidents in China   Wearing masks of the faces of Liu Xiaobo and Gao Zhisheng, dissidents imprisoned in China, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) protested on Human Rights Day in front of the Chinese embassy in…  
Date: 21-12-10
198. Human rights activists warn that peace treaty will not stop violence   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) reported on Monday concerning a massive increase in attacks on human rights activists and dissidents in western Sudan. "For weeks, random acts of violence…  
Date: 21-12-10
199. Mauritania arrests 15 slavery opponents – STP demands their release   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called on the government of Mauritania on Tuesday to release the 15 opponents of slavery immediately. Human rights activist Biram Dah Abeid, chair of the…  
Date: 21-12-10
200. Wikileaks exposes militarization of the Sahara - Tuareg adversely affected by anti-terror fighting   Three months after the kidnapping of seven employees of a French nuclear company in the Sahara by Al Qaeda in Maghreb, the Tuareg are suffering under the growing militarization of the desert region.…  
Date: 22-12-10