
2466 results:
271. Syrian Arab Republic   The unforeseen events that are now shaking the Arab world have led to the overthrow of the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, and most likely will topple the ruling Gaddafi clan in Libya as well. They…  
Date: 29-03-11
272. Radioactivity endangers the food chain; island inhabitants are first victims   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) issues a warning against downplaying the dangers of radioactive contamination in the Pacific following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Several hundred…  
Date: 30-03-11
273. Berlin must not push for relaxing the EU sanctions against Burma!   Once again, the German government is about to incur the annoyance of its Western allies with its foreign policies, in the view of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). The European Union is set…  
Date: 31-03-11
274. More than 8 million people require food aid; 10,000 nomads forced to flee   Tens of thousands of nomads in East Africa are fleeing a catastrophic drought. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) reported on Friday that in the past few days alone, more than 10,000 nomads…  
Date: 01-04-11
275. Continuing arrests in Tibet: China imprisons family members as well   On the occasion of the arrest of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei and more than two dozen other dissidents, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) points out that Chinese security forces do not shrink from…  
Date: 04-04-11
276. OAS Human Rights Commission urges suspension of construction activity on Belo Monte dam project in Brazil   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes the call from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), to put an immediate…  
Date: 06-04-11
277. Society for Threatened Peoples demands residence right for Roma and Ashkali people from Kosovo as a "gesture of compensation for Nazi crimes”   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is strongly protesting against the collective deportation of around 100 Roma and Ashkali planned for this tuesday. The refugees from North Rhine-Westphalia,…  
Date: 12-04-11
278. Deportation of Burmese Refugees is a Violation of International Law and Inhuman   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expressed severe criticism of the planned deportation of more than 140,000 Burmese refugees on Wednesday: "To put the destiny of the political refugees in the…  
Date: 14-04-11
279. Natives Suffer for "Our” Nuclear Energy - RWE Has to Take Care to Protect Uranium Mining Regions from Radioactivity!   On Wednesday, in a demonstration in front of the RWE General Assembly in Essen the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has made accusations against the energy provider: "Natives are suffering for…  
Date: 20-04-11
280. Irony Presides at UN Indigenous Rights Briefing as Brazil Response to OAS Rebuke Remains Confidential   On Wednesday, in a demonstration in front of the RWE General Assembly in Essen the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has made accusations against the energy provider: "Natives are suffering for…  
Date: 29-04-11