
2175 results:
751. War Crimes Tribunal passes judgment against Ratko Mladic (November 22)   … be holding a vigil in front of the building of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia…  
Date: 22-11-17
Percental score: 9
752. In Mauritania, capital punishment might become the rule for crimes of apostasy and blasphemy   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sharply criticizes Mauritania’s plans to make the capital punishment the rule for crimes of blasphemy and apostasy.  
Date: 20-11-17
753. INVITATION TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACTION: UN war crimes tribunal judgement against Ratko Mladic   … (75), the STP will be holding a vigil at the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague (ICTY),…  
Date: 20-11-17
Percental score: 9
754. INVITATION TO THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACTION: Arms exports to Saudi Arabia must be stopped – immediately!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is planning to hold a vigil outside the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin on Tuesday, to emphasize that the current and the future federal government  
Date: 20-11-17
755. Pipeline leak in the US: Native Americans fear groundwater contamination   Because of a leak in the Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota (USA), a Native American community now fears that the groundwater from which they draw their drinking water might be contaminated. This was  
Date: 17-11-17
756. Central African Republic needs more help to rebuild the country   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), there must be better protection for the civilian population of the Central African Republic.  
Date: 16-11-17
Percental score: 4
757. Yemen: No more armament deals with Saudi Arabia!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls on the German federal government suspend all arms exports to Saudi Arabia until the Sunni kingdom stops the air raids on targets in neighboring Yemen  
Date: 15-11-17
758. Appeal to the Presidium and the Central Committee of the German Association of Cities and Towns (“Deutscher Städtetag”): Keep the memory of the genocide against Christians in the Ottoman Empire alive!   On the occasion of the meeting of the Presidium and the Central Committee of the German Association of Cities and Towns (“Deutscher Städtetag”) on Wednesday (November 15) in Berlin, the Society for  
Date: 14-11-17
759. Strong increase of politically motivated murders: African state on the verge of civil war   Following a series of politically motivated murders in Cameroon, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warned that there might be even more violence – and that the country on the verge of a civil  
Date: 14-11-17
760. ASEAN Summit (November 13)   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the ASEAN states for failing to protect human rights – as the states of Southeast Asia are planning not to discuss the Rohingya crisis in the  
Date: 13-11-17
Percental score: 4