
378 results:
281. China's justification for "reeducation camps" is merely a "flimsy excuse" According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Chinese government's attempts to justify the "re-education camps" for Uyghurs in Xinjiang are merely to be seen as a "flimsy excuse".  
Date: 13-11-18
Percental score: 70
282. China   …Information and latest news on the situation in China.  
Date: 14-11-18
Percental score: 88
283. Burma: Construction of deep water port reveals ruthless power interests   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of ignoring the serious human rights violations in Burma in order to pursue its power interests in Southeast Asia.  
Date: 20-11-18
Percental score: 24
284. Election of new Interpol president is "first step" to more credibility   [Translate to Englisch:] According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the election of Kim Jong Yang (South Korea) as the new President of Interpol is a good sign.  
Date: 21-11-18
Percental score: 24
285. Taiwanese human rights activist Li Ming-che arbitrarily sentenced one year ago … the Taiwanese human rights activist Li Ming-che, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demanded China to release him from prison.  
Date: 27-11-18
Percental score: 24
286. China: No sign of life from arrested photographer for three weeks … police in the Xinjiang region on November 3, 2018, while he was on a lecture tour in northwestern China.  
Date: 28-11-18
Percental score: 74
287. 5G mobile licenses: exclude Chinese enterprises! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has appealed to the German Federal Network Agency to exclude Chinese companies from the bidding process due to a lack of data security and transparency  
Date: 18-12-18
Percental score: 19
288. Christmas in China – the festival of locking away human rights activists   [Translate to Englisch:] …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of systematically using the celebration of Christmas to lock up prominent human rights activists for years, trying to avoid major international protests.  
Date: 26-12-18
Percental score: 72
289. World Economic Forum in Davos … Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the representatives from industry and politics to clearly condemn China's hostage diplomacy.  
Date: 22-01-19
Percental score: 24
290. China / 5G network: Decision regarding Huawei is a "bad compromise" From the viewpoint of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the German Federal Government's decision not to explicitly exclude the Chinese company Huawei from the 5G licensing process, but merely  
Date: 08-02-19
Percental score: 75