
378 results:
231. Dam projects for hydropower threaten tens of thousands of indigenous people worldwide   Several tens of thousands of indigenous people in Asia, Africa and South America are threatened with being uprooted and forced to resettle for the development of hydroelectric power. On the occasion  
Date: 04-08-11
Percental score: 5
232. Criticism of the petition reform in China - The new regulations will lead to more violent protests   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the government of the Chinese People's Republic of introducing more restrictions to civil rights by means of the reform of the petition system. A new  
Date: 25-04-14
Percental score: 61
233. Criticism of the growing influence of authoritarian states   The influence of authoritarian states in the world organization continues to grow. Non-governmental organizations must not be silenced just because they draw attention to serious human rights  
Date: 31-05-18
Percental score: 21
234. Criticism of show trials in China – United Nations must demand rule of law   … Peoples (STP) criticizes the show trials against members of the Uyghur minority in north-western China to be "legally questionable" and "degrading". The human rights organization urges the UN High…  
Date: 30-05-14
Percental score: 65
235. Covid-19 in Iranian Kurdistan   …ran, a multi-ethnic state, is currently one of the countries most affected by the corona pandemic, along with China and Italy. According to Dr. Kamal Sido, Middle East expert of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP),…  
Date: 24-03-20
Percental score: 14
236. COVID-19 fuels human rights violations in China   …More than 900 human rights violations registered since January 2020 China uses COVID-19 crisis to restrict human rights  
Date: 06-04-20
Percental score: 67
237. Coronavirus detected in Xinjiang   …Internierte sind besonders gefährdet China soll die WHO über Schutz Internierter informieren  
Date: 27-01-20
Percental score: 22
238. Continuing arrests in Tibet: China imprisons family members as well   On the occasion of the arrest of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei and more than two dozen other dissidents, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) points out that Chinese security forces do not shrink from  
Date: 04-04-11
Percental score: 62
239. Conflicts in minority regions continue – more than 65,000 Kachin on the run from violence   Despite the liberalization in Burma, there is no end to the fighting and the severe human rights violations in Kachin State in the northeast of the country. More than 65,000 members of the Kachin  
Date: 08-02-12
Percental score: 15
240. Conflicts in Burma fuel human trafficking   … in Kachin State, which is fighting for more autonomy. "Again and again, Kachin women are lured to China with false promises of work, then forced to marry there," Delius said. Chinese men will pay up to 7,000…  
Date: 07-01-20
Percental score: 13