
2175 results:
831. Human rights organization honors human rights activist   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) decided to present Bernard Kouchner, the former French Foreign Minister, with the Victor Gollancz Prize – an award for his lifelong commitment to fight human  
Date: 21-09-14
Percental score: 3
832. China: Life Sentence Against the Uyghur Professor Ilham Tohti   … Chinese leadership with a fig leaf to deceive the international community." "This unjust ruling…  
Date: 23-09-14
Percental score: 4
833. Darfur: Ongoing violence   Ten years after the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, first spoke of the situation in Darfur as a genocide, there is still not enough protection for the civilian population in western Sudan – as  
Date: 24-09-14
Percental score: 3
834. Merkel should use the bilateral meetings in China to advocate for democracy in Hong Kong and on behalf of persecuted human rights activists   Today, given the current protests of tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has started an online appeal to Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking her use next  
Date: 30-09-14
835. Elders in East Africa call for help: older people are threatened due to accusations of witchcraft   With help from the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the elders of the indigenous community of the Giriama in Kenya sent an urgent appeal to the Western embassies, the United Nations and the  
Date: 30-09-14
Percental score: 6
836. Human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng's wife Geng He speaks out about his health   … D.C., appealing to the U. S. government and the international community to help bring Gao Zhisheng to the…  
Date: 01-10-14
Percental score: 7
837. A new human rights report documents increasing attacks on human rights activists in China   Just before the third German-Chinese government-consultations, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) released a new human rights report, which documents the increasing persecution of human rights  
Date: 08-10-14
838. No Turkish-controlled buffer zone in northern Syria without equal participation of Kurds and Christians!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) opposes against establishing a Turkish-controlled "buffer zone" in northern Syria against the will of the local Kurdish and Christian population. It would be  
Date: 09-10-14
839. China: Harsh criticism of the death sentences against 27 Uyghurs   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is shocked by the death sentences against 27 Uyghurs on Monday in China – and expressed harsh criticism. Considering several eyewitness reports, there are  
Date: 13-10-14
840. Kidnapped six months ago: 219 schoolgirls from Nigeria   … of life of the abducted girls. Nigeria and the international community must urgently step up their efforts…  
Date: 14-10-14
Percental score: 6