
2175 results:
771. Ban on albino's protests against killings in Tanzania – President promises better protection and consistent law enforcement   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls on the UN Human Rights Council – which is currently holding a meeting in Geneva – to ensure better protection for people with albinism. If the United  
Date: 04-03-15
772. Villagers save albino girl from the hands of kidnappers in Malawi   In Malawi, a group of courageous villagers managed to save a 12-year-old albino girl from the hands of her kidnappers – as reported by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen on Friday.  
Date: 06-03-15
773. "Xi Jinping's Great Digital Wall": A new report documents Chinese violations of Internet freedom   On occasion of the opening of the computer fair CeBIT, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China, the official partner country, of violating Internet freedom – both at home as well  
Date: 12-03-15
774. Commitment to human rights instead of kowtowing: Internet industry should advocate for more Internet freedom in China   On Sunday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) held a demonstration on occasion of the opening of the CEBIT computer fair in Hanover – and appealed to the Internet industry to advocate for more  
Date: 15-03-15
775. Iraq: Islamists intensify destruction of churches in Mosul   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that the extremists of the Islamic State (IS) will soon have destroyed all Christian churches and monasteries in and around the northern Iraqi city of  
Date: 18-03-15
776. "The children are suffering incredibly!"   On occasion of the World Roma Day (April 8), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an urgent appeal to the Federal Government, the federal and state Interior Ministers as well as to the  
Date: 07-04-15
777. Guest country of the Hannover Messe violates freedom of religion   On occasion of the opening of the "Industriemess" in Hannover by Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday (April 12), the Society for Threatened Peoples  
Date: 10-04-15
778. Criticism against guest country of the Hannover Messe – India tries to silence environmental and minority organizations   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the Indian government's measures against dedicated environmental organizations and minority rights associations. In India, this year's guest  
Date: 10-04-15
779. No sign of life for a whole year – Abducted schoolgirls must not be forgotten! A call for new initiatives to free the hostages   One year after the terrorist movement Boko Haram abducted 219 schoolgirls in Nigeria, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for new initiatives to free the victims. "For the new Nigerian  
Date: 13-04-15
780. Severe human rights violations – MINURSO's mandate should also cover protection of human rights   In view of the serious human rights violations in Western Sahara, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands an expansion of the mandate of the UN mission MINURSO. MINURSO is the only neutral  
Date: 22-04-15