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2083 results:
2001. Internal Chinese documents on Xinjiang Last weekend, the New York Times published internal documents of the Chinese government, providing information regarding the circumstances and the extent of the arbitrary internment of about 1.5  
Date: 18-11-19
2002. Algeria: Ongoing protests of the democracy movement   Following the arrest of more than 250 supporters of Algeria's pro-democracy movement within a week, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for an end to the arbitrary arrests of protesters in  
Date: 25-11-19
2003. Detention centers in China Detention centers in Xinjiang: - STP calls for EU travel bans and financial sanctions against those who are responsible - The region's former Security Chief, his successor, and the current Party  
Date: 26-11-19
2004. Freedom of Education – Is Germany following the example of the People's Republic of China?   The influence of the Chinese government in Germany is growing – as can be seen from the recent cooperation agreement between the Bundeswehr and the so-called "People's Liberation Army", the "New Silk  
Date: 27-11-19
2005. National minorities in Germany are call for ratification of ILO Convention 169   Jon Hardon Hansen, Chairman of the Minority Council (Minderheitenrat) of the four autochthonous national minorities and ethnic groups in Germany, who is a member of the Danish minority himself, has  
Date: 02-12-19
2006. Nobel Prize for Literature The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has welcomes the fact that writer Gun-Britt Sundström has left the Nobel Committee for Literature. "With this decision, she paid tribute to the genocide  
Date: 03-12-19
2007. An undaunted activist   Weimar Human Rights Prize for Ishan Fagiri: STP welcomes the award for the Sudanese activist The Human Rights Prize is awarded every year on December 10 The STP had nominated the  
Date: 03-12-19
2008. Nobel Prize ceremony Nobel Prize ceremony for Peter Handke: - STP demands a minute's silence for the victims of the genocide - The Swedish Academy should distance itself from Handke's views - The moral integrity of  
Date: 09-12-19
2009. Religious diversity in the Middle East   Religious diversity in the Middle East: Christian population in Iraq shrinks by 90 percent in one generation One million less Christians in Syria within six years  
Date: 12-12-19
2010. Conflicts in Burma fuel human trafficking   … Kachin woman.   Ulrich Delius, GfbV-Director, Gesellschaft…  
Date: 07-01-20