
2175 results:
731. Israel wants to get rid of refugees from Africa   … Eritrea and Sudan as “inhumane and a violation of international law”.  
Date: 03-01-18
Percental score: 6
732. Serious allegations against Congolese government – More violence than under dictator Mobutus   Following bloody crackdowns on peaceful demonstrations by Catholic Christians in Congo, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Congolese government of ignoring the peoples’ freedom of  
Date: 01-01-18
733. A call for more efforts to help refugees from North Korea   In the light of the ongoing dispute regarding the North Korean missile program, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for more commitment to human rights and for more measures to help  
Date: 29-12-17
Percental score: 6
734. Terrorist attacks in Kabul   Following the recent terrorist attack in Kabul, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for better protection of the Shi’ite minority in Afghanistan. According to the human rights  
Date: 28-12-17
735. Rohingya are the losers of the year 2017 According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the systematic expulsion of the Rohingya minority from Burma (Myanmar) is the most serious refugee drama of the year 2017. Four months after the  
Date: 26-12-17
Percental score: 3
736. China is the world’s biggest enemy of Internet freedom   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses China of being the world’s biggest enemy of Internet freedom. “China’s security agencies are systematically blocking the free flow of information on  
Date: 24-12-17
737. Christians between exodus and hope   A few days before Christmas, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns about a possible mass exodus of Christians from the Middle East and other Muslim states. The number of Christians in Iraq  
Date: 20-12-17
738. Last chance for the “Wolfskinder” to apply for compensations and an official recognition of their particularly troublesome fate   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that not all of the “Wolfskinder” from East Prussia have so far managed to bring themselves to apply for an official recognition of their troublesome  
Date: 19-12-17
739. German journalist released from custody   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands Turkey to allow Mesale Tolu to leave the country immediately. On Monday, a court in Istanbul had decided that the German journalist and five other  
Date: 18-12-17
740. There must be a Comissioner Against Antiziganism   On the occasion of the Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide (December 19), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appeals to the Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière, to  
Date: 18-12-17