
378 results:
321. Germany's policy towards Burma is subject to international criticism   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Federal Government of blocking investigations on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against members of ethnic minorities in Burma.  
Date: 05-08-11
Percental score: 8
322. Dam projects for hydropower threaten tens of thousands of indigenous people worldwide   Several tens of thousands of indigenous people in Asia, Africa and South America are threatened with being uprooted and forced to resettle for the development of hydroelectric power. On the occasion  
Date: 04-08-11
Percental score: 5
323. No protection for persecuted Uyghurs in Asia - now China must reveal information about the situation of deported people!   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused neighboring countries of China of systematically not providing protection for Uyghur refugees from the People's Republic. At least 18 Uyghur refugees have been…  
Date: 02-08-11
Percental score: 71
324. Independent investigation of politically motivated violence in Uighur region of China demanded   … independent and comprehensive investigation of the politically motivated violence in northwestern China that has claimed at least 33 lives in the past 10 days.  
Date: 01-08-11
Percental score: 63
325. Human rights campaign for China's persecuted artists begins Engage Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians in Germany's "Year of Chinese Culture 2012"!   Uyghurs, Tibetans and Mongolians must be included in the planning of the Year of Chinese Culture 2012 in Germany. This demand was underscored on Tuesday in a vigil before the Munich city hall, held  
Date: 26-07-11
Percental score: 63
326. Microsoft should not make itself an accomplice of China's censors   … should not permit the results they deliver to the Chinese search machine, Baidu, to be filtered by China's state censors.  
Date: 05-07-11
Percental score: 74
327. Investments instead of human rights: Massive pressure on journalists and human rights activists   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of having failed to learn the lessons of the battles between Uighurs and Han Chinese in Urumchi in July 2009. Rather than respecting ensuring the human rights…  
Date: 04-07-11
Percental score: 22
328. China: Secret documents concerning Communist party's propaganda campaign published   …"The propaganda campaign started in 2011 by the Communist party in China is being felt in Europe and within human rights panels in the United Nations as well, warned the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Tuesday…  
Date: 28-06-11
Percental score: 66
329. China: Wen Jiabao's dream of harmony in the People's Republic remains a pipe dream   … Minister Wen Jiabao is to ignore the catastrophic human rights situation in the People's Republic of China," criticized the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Monday in Göttingen. Some 500 mass protests…  
Date: 28-06-11
Percental score: 64
330. After Ai Weiwei's release: German-Chinese intergovernmental dialog on Monday in Berlin (27.6. June)   … In addition to this well-known artist, at least 48 other dissidents have been arrested in China since mid-February 2011, but their fate goes largely unnoticed in Europe.  
Date: 24-06-11
Percental score: 16