
2175 results:
741. No development-assistance without human rights and a political solution for the Tuareg issue   After the struggle against the radical Islamists, Europe should only provide development-assistance for Mail if the country complies with human rights regulations and shows efforts towards a  
Date: 13-05-13
742. No development assistance for Ethiopia without human rights!   In view of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the forthcoming government negotiations with Ethiopia about development assistance from Germany, that are to be held on Tuesday (28th June), are  
Date: 27-06-11
743. No deportation to China The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is relieved that Kazakhstan has agreed to protect an eyewitness to the conditions in Chinese reeducation centers for Uyghurs and Kazakhs.  
Date: 03-08-18
744. No deportation into the icy Kosovo winter!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) wrote today to the Minister of the Interior, Uwe…  
Date: 11-01-10
Percental score: 4
745. No deference towards China's leaders – Demand human rights for victims of persecution!   On occasion of the meeting between China's President Xi Jinping and German politicians in Berlin on Friday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands human rights in China. The STP will hold a  
Date: 28-03-14
746. No cooperation with supporters of genocide   STP campaign in front of the Chinese embassy: Huawei Group should be excluded from plans to expand the 5G network The company produces technical tools to facilitate the genocide of  
Date: 10-12-20
747. No clear commitment to primacy of human rights – Coalition agreement is “too indifferent regarding human rights” From the viewpoint of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the coalition agreement between the SPD and the CDU is “to indifferent regarding human rights”.  
Date: 09-02-18
Percental score: 5
748. No blank check for President Erdogan According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), human rights must become the basic principle of the German-Turkish relations if the German Federal Government is willing to respond to Turkish  
Date: 24-09-18
Percental score: 4
749. Nine months of anti-terror measures have not brought more safety – 51 Muslims killed in Islamist terrorist attacks   Nine months after a state of emergency was imposed on three states in northern Nigeria, the army and police forces have still not succeeded in ensuring safety for the civilian population. More than  
Date: 14-02-14
750. Nigerian Islamists declare war on youths   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that supporters of the Islamist sect Boko Haram in Nigeria have now apparently also declared war on youths. Earlier this week, at least 32 people were  
Date: 19-06-13