
378 results:
281. A discouraging view on the unrest in Burma – No justice for Muslim Rohingya   Seven months after the outbreak of violence between Muslim Rohingya and Buddhist Rakhine in Burma, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) offers a discouraging view of the coming to terms with the  
Date: 15-02-13
Percental score: 8
282. China reacts with more helpless persecution – Family members of suicides are being criminalized   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses China's authorities of reacting to the self-immolations in Tibet with even more helpless persecution – rather than trying to find the real reasons.  
Date: 13-02-13
Percental score: 65
283. No further support for regimes that help to spread terror and war!   …"If the Munich Security Conference continues to support the regimes of Saudi Arabia, China and Turkey – rather than focusing on human rights and minority rights – war and terror will continue instead of being reduced,"…  
Date: 01-02-13
Percental score: 17
284. There is reason for doubt about Beijing's commitment towards reforms   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expresses skepticism about China's plans to abolish labor camps and reeducation camps. China's government is a world champion in announcing intentions, but shows no real…  
Date: 08-01-13
Percental score: 23
285. A list of tasks for Germany's involvement in the UN Human Rights Council   As a newly elected member of the UN Human Rights Council, Germany must show more initiative against human rights violations all around the world in 2013.  
Date: 27-12-12
Percental score: 8
286. Mo Yan mocks victims of censorship – Human rights activists recall the case of an author and publisher who has been imprisoned for 17 years   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Chinese author Mo Yan of playing down censorship in China while dozens of writers and publishers are still imprisoned for political reasons. The fate of the Mongolian…  
Date: 07-12-12
Percental score: 19
287. Germany's strategic partners are enemies of human rights – Wahhabists from Saudi Arabia spread terror   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen criticizes what Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, had to say about the sale of German tanks to Saudi Arabia: In Monday's evening news on ARD she  
Date: 04-12-12
Percental score: 12
288. Five Tibetans protest against the Congress with self-immolations – China needs a new Tibet-policy!   … Communist Party, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for a new Chinese Tibet-policy. China's new leadership must fundamentally rethink policies regarding Tibet and the nationalities to avoid an…  
Date: 08-11-12
Percental score: 69
289. A dialogue without any control of success makes little sense   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) issued a critical statement concerning the 10th German-Chinese human rights dialogue which is currently taking place in Wiesbaden. The dialogue should not  
Date: 09-10-12
Percental score: 16
290. The EU's arms embargo against China must stay!   … sent an appeal to the European Union's Minister of Foreign Affairs, not to give in to pressure from China's towards a suspension of the EU arms embargo against the People's Republic. A waiver of these…  
Date: 20-09-12
Percental score: 75