
2175 results:
831. Chibok-schoolgirls kidnapped for 600 days (December 5)   600 days after the radical Islamists of Boko Haram kidnapped 219 schoolgirls in northeastern Nigeria, there is still no sign of life of the abduction victims.  
Date: 04-12-15
832. Talks with Burundi in Brussels failed   Now that the efforts of the European Union to find a political solution to the Burundi crisis have failed, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands a stronger commitment of the United Nations  
Date: 09-12-15
833. Unfair trial against human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has expressed sharp criticism of the trial against the Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, which took place in Beijing on Monday.  
Date: 14-12-15
834. An Opportunity: FUEN, the Ally of Europe's Roma   About 180 representatives of various minorites from around Europe, political decision makers and civil-rights activists discussed possibilites to keep their identity and their culture at the minority  
Date: 09-06-11
835. Perversion of justice in Nigeria: Society for Threatened Peoples warns about mass protests and spiral of violence   As two leading Biafra-activists are still in detention despite two official acquittals, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Nigerian authorities of breaching the law and of  
Date: 22-12-15
836. Nigeria unable to stop Islamist violence The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Nigerian government and the country’s security forces of failing to take measures against the terror movement Boko Haram and protect the civilian  
Date: 29-12-15
837. Elections in the Central African Republic: Hope for peace and reconciliation On the occasion of today’s presidential and parliamentary elections in the Central African Republic, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) would like to draw attention to the dramatic situation of  
Date: 30-12-15
838. Pakistan: The Shiite minority is threatened by Sunni extremist violence   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns about a new wave of Sunni extremist violence against Shiites in Pakistan and calls for better protection of the religious minority of the Hazara, which  
Date: 05-01-16
839. Algeria: Constitutional reform provides for recognition of the Berber language   The Algerian government has announced a constitutional reform that includes plans to recognize the Berber language Tamazight as a “national and official language”, which – according to the Society  
Date: 07-01-16
840. Sudan: Forgotten refugee drama - Militias terrorize people of Darfur   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands better protection for the people of western Sudan who have to fear raids by the state-controlled militias of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).  
Date: 12-01-16