
378 results:
181. Japan should officially apologize to women who were forced into prostitution during World War II … Japan’s government should unambiguously apologize for the abuse of about 200,000 women from Korea, China and other countries, and offer financial compensation to those who survived being forced into…  
Date: 14-08-15
Percental score: 20
182. No sustainable peace for South Sudan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sharply criticizes the peace agreement for South Sudan. According to the human rights organization, the agreement is “not sustainable”.  
Date: 26-08-15
Percental score: 11
183. International Day Against Nuclear Tests (August 29): Victims of radioactive contamination must be compensated! On the occasion of the “International Day Against Nuclear Tests” this Saturday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands thorough investigations of the consequences of nuclear testing as well  
Date: 27-08-15
Percental score: 13
184. DATE: Demonstration against Germany’s former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's trip to China   links:
rechts: The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sharply criticizes the planned visit of Germany’s former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to Beijing, where he will take part in a military parade to commemorate  
Date: 31-08-15
Percental score: 67
185. A mockery of the victims: Human rights activists recall the massacre at Tiananmen Square   On Thursday, while the massive military parade took place in Beijing, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) held a human rights vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to commemorate the  
Date: 03-09-15
Percental score: 22
186. GfbV_Jahresbericht__2014.pdf   … – Zentralafrikanische Republik – Libyen – Mauretanien – Mali – Nigeria – Tansania – Westsahara - Asien 17 China – Burma- Vietnam- Indonesien – Pakistan – Sri Lanka - Indien Europa 22 Krimtataren – Ukraine –…  
Date: 24-09-15
Percental score: 1
187. Fair refugee policy demanded for all asylum seekers   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called for fair refugee policy for all asylum seekers in Germany.  
Date: 29-09-15
Percental score: 7
188. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to China (October 28 - 30)   … appeal to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking her to use her visit to the People’s Republic of China to demand the implementation of a functioning rule of law, as promised.  
Date: 27-10-15
Percental score: 71
189. China: Three children killed in the fight against terrorism   …y for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded an independent investigation into police operations in north-west China that cost the lives of three children.  
Date: 20-11-15
Percental score: 66
190. Unfair trial against human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has expressed sharp criticism of the trial against the Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, which took place in Beijing on Monday.  
Date: 14-12-15
Percental score: 19