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189 results:
141. Enforced-disappearances-in-Pakistan’s-Balochistan-Province_HRC-Statement-August-2018.pdf   … and the rest of your family at risk. You know FC won’t listen to anyone. They will release him when they want’”,…  
Date: 04-10-18
142. “Blood Roses” FAQs You have questions concerning te blood roses from Ehtiopia? We have the answers!  
Date: 18-10-18
143. Terms and Conditions   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Post Box 2024 37010 Göttingen Germany E-Mail:…  
Date: 18-10-18
144. Lawyer of persecuted Christian flees Pakistan The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is shocked to hear that the lawyer of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was recently acquitted of a death sentence in Pakistan, was forced to flee from his  
Date: 04-11-18
145. Cambodia: Verdict at the Khmer Rouge Special Tribunal is a milestone in the fight against impunity … bezeichnete die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) das heutige Urteil des Khmer…  
Date: 16-11-18
146. Turkey: Press freedom trampled underfoot   The German human rights organization Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) strongly criticizes the Turkish Public Prosecutor's Office for demanding 15 years imprisonment for Ramazan Ölcen, editor of  
Date: 09-01-19
147. Afrin in northern Syria: One year under Turkish occupation Vigil in front of US embassy … Syriens appelliert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Donnerstag in Berlin mit einer Mahnwache…  
Date: 15-01-19
148. Syria: International Day of Solidarity with Afrin (January 20)   The inhabitants of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin in the north-west of the country are still suffering under the Turkish-Islamist occupation. One year after the beginning of the Turkish attacks on  
Date: 18-01-19
149. Indigenous protest camp in Brasilia Several thousand indigenous people will take part in this year's "Acampamento Terra Livre" (ATL) to express their demands. The protest camp focusing on indigenous land rights will take place in front  
Date: 24-04-19
150. Mourning the loss of human rights activist and fairy tale researcher Ines Köhler-Zülch   After a long illness, the international fairy tale researcher and human rights activist Ines Köhler-Zülch passed away in Göttingen at the age of 77. The co-editor of the fairytale-encyclopedia  
Date: 03-05-19