
2175 results:
891. France should advocate for UN human rights observers in northern Mali - The Tuareg are afraid that the French army might withdraw   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appealed to the French President, Francois Hollande, to use his visit to Mali to advocate for UN human rights observers in northern Mali. We are in deep  
Date: 04-02-13
892. Fraud and intimidation make elections "a farce"   … trade, the junta continues to affirm vis-à-vis the international community their intention of putting a stop…  
Date: 10-11-10
Percental score: 3
893. Freedom for Asia Bibi The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on Pakistan's government to finally allow Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was acquitted of blasphemy, to leave the country.  
Date: 11-02-19
894. Freedom of Education – Is Germany following the example of the People's Republic of China?   The influence of the Chinese government in Germany is growing – as can be seen from the recent cooperation agreement between the Bundeswehr and the so-called "People's Liberation Army", the "New Silk  
Date: 27-11-19
895. Freedom of the press in the civil war in Ethiopia   Freedom of the press in the civil war in Ethiopia: Arbitrary arrests of journalists fuel fear and self-censorship Four media workers arrested in the last 24 hours alone It is hardly possible to  
Date: 16-11-20
896. Freedom of the press in Turkey   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE Freedom of the press in Turkey: Trials against Can Dündar and other defendants to continue tomorrow Allegedly, the trial is about the  
Date: 13-01-21
897. Freeze the accounts of the pirate Mafia - Course correction needed in Somalia policy   The deployment of soldiers or armed federal police on board German merchant ships, as called for by German shipping companies, will not effectively curtail the piracy off the Somali coast, argues the  
Date: 21-01-11
Percental score: 5
898. Fulani conflict fuels violence in Nigeria According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), more efforts have to be made to protect Christian farmers in Nigeria from raids by armed nomad shepherds.  
Date: 05-10-18
899. Further limitation of religious freedom in Vietnam expected The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that a new law will lead to further restrictions of religious freedom in Vietnam.  
Date: 29-10-15
Percental score: 4
900. Further restrictions of freedom of belief in China The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the People’s Republic of China of trying to restrict the religious freedom of the Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims in the country even further.  
Date: 27-09-16