
2175 results:
741. Random violence against Christians; undemocratic elections   … abuses against Copts, write to the STP at Translated by Elizabeth Crawford  
Date: 01-12-10
Percental score: 3
742. Afghan war criminal Mohammad Fahim unchallenged in Germany - Human rights activists outraged   … be among the first warlords taken to trial at an international court for crimes against humanity," said…  
Date: 15-09-10
Percental score: 3
743. Some signatories are not credible regarding their commitment to end sexual violence in armed conflicts   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes the fact that 113 states signed a statement on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday to show their commitment for an end to sexual  
Date: 25-09-13
Percental score: 3
744. Mali must ensure the safety of the Tuareg people   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on the government of Mali to guarantee the safety of the civilian Tuareg population. It is not right to treat all Tuareg as suspected "rebels"  
Date: 03-02-12
Percental score: 3
745. Libya: The Prime Minister wants to postpone the return of refugees from Tawergha – the policy of national reconciliation is bound to fail   Four days before the planned return of 35,000 displaced people to the town of Tawergha (Libya), the government has put these plans on hold. On Thursday, Libya's Prime Minister Ali Zeidan asked the  
Date: 21-06-13
Percental score: 3
746. STP: Serious charges of war crimes must be cleared up before the G20 Summit!   … Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) appealed on Monday to the UN High Commissioner for…  
Date: 16-06-10
Percental score: 3
747. Tawergha refugees hope to return to their hometown soon – EU must promote reconciliation   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the fact that the peace negotiations in Geneva have lead to an agreement concerning the Tawergha-crisis in Libya is a sign of hope for the  
Date: 30-01-15
Percental score: 3
748. Africa Summit: Human rights activists criticize the lack of support for poorer African countries   [Translate to Englisch:] German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet up with twelve heads of state and government from Africa in the Federal Chancellery. The "Compact with Africa" initiative, aims to secure and strengthen  
Date: 30-10-18
Percental score: 3
749. Descendants of genocide victims are still suffering today – Circassian movement under pressure   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) commemorates the beginning of the genocide against the Circassians exactly 150 years ago. "To this day, the descendants of the genocide victims suffer from  
Date: 20-05-14
Percental score: 3
750. Putin and Trump meet in Helsinki - Don’t let Crimea down   On the occasion of the meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warned that the serious human rights violations in  
Date: 16-07-18
Percental score: 3