
378 results:
221. Liu Xiaobo dead   …According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), China’s authorities are responsible for the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo – as he was not allowed to leave China to be treated by specialists abroad.  
Date: 14-07-17
Percental score: 26
222. Facebook: Accusations of censorship   … organization in documenting crimes in Xinjiang "Censorship makes Facebook complicit in China's crimes"  
Date: 14-01-21
Percental score: 26
223. Chancellor must advocate for a real dialogue between the Chinese and the Tibetans!   …Prior to Chancellor Merkel's visit to China, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) asked her to try to persuade the Chinese government to take up the dialogue between China and Tibet again. "Judging by the bitterly…  
Date: 28-08-12
Percental score: 26
224. More influence for Beijing   …New Chinese lobby association: STP criticizes establishment of so-called "China Bridge" Board includes state-owned Chinese corporations, list of members is kept secret "Another instrument of Chinese soft…  
Date: 04-06-20
Percental score: 27
225. New secret documents on crimes in Xinjiang …"Germany and the European Union must not accept that crimes against the humanity of their strategic partner China are not addressed at summit meetings – or only briefly mentioned as side notes," stated Ulrich Delius,…  
Date: 18-02-20
Percental score: 28
226. Uyghur refugees threatened with deportation   China ratifies extradition treaty with Turkey 50,000 refugees fear for their safety Persecuted people must not become victims of the economic crisis in Turkey  
Date: 28-12-20
Percental score: 28
227. China: No more kitchen knives in Xinjiang – but more tanks, raids and denunciations   "Helpless" and "absurd" is what the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls a decision of the Chinese authorities to confiscate all large kitchen knives in Xinjiang (East Turkestan). Following the  
Date: 03-07-13
Percental score: 53
228. A new human rights report documents increasing attacks on human rights activists in China   … a new human rights report, which documents the increasing persecution of human rights activists in China. In the 56-page long report, the STP lists 347 examples of human rights activists in the People's…  
Date: 08-10-14
Percental score: 57
229. "China’s long arm” threatens human rights activists Prominent Uyghur human rights activist from Germany arrested in South Korea – Immediate release is called for   … its base in Munich. This is the most important umbrella organisation of the Moslem ethnic group in China in exile. "We take it that the warrant was implemented by China to silence one of the most…  
Date: 16-09-09
Percental score: 58
230. Six Chinese dissidents among the most likely recipients - China threatens, publishes self-criticism to undermine dissidents' chances   …Six Chinese dissidents among the most likely recipients - China threatens, publishes self-criticism to undermine dissidents' chances  
Date: 01-10-10
Percental score: 60