
378 results:
341. Thalia instrumentalized for China's state propaganda   Human rights organization sharply criticizes bookstore chain: Times of the Mao Bible and glorification of dictators should be over  
Date: 19-09-20
Percental score: 72
342. Christmas in China – the festival of locking away human rights activists   [Translate to Englisch:] …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of systematically using the celebration of Christmas to lock up prominent human rights activists for years, trying to avoid major international protests.  
Date: 26-12-18
Percental score: 72
343. City of Weimar honors China’s most prominent political prisoner   … (STP), the fact that Ilham Tohti, an Uyghur professor of economics who is currently imprisoned in China, will be honored with the Weimar Human Rights Award is an obligation for the German Federal Government…  
Date: 07-12-17
Percental score: 72
344. Joint letter by 23 human rights organisations ahead of the EU-China summit …Ahead of the EU-China summit 23 human rights organizations appealed to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, for a stronger response to…  
Date: 18-06-18
Percental score: 72
345. Deportation of five Uyghurs to China is a violation of human rights!   … serious allegations against Pakistan on Wednesday. The Pakistani authorities deported five Uyghurs to China – accepting the fact, that the refugees might be imprisoned for years or even sentenced to death in the…  
Date: 10-08-11
Percental score: 72
346. Attack in China's restive Xinjiang region   … on a police patrol in the city of Aksu (Xinjiang Autonomous Region/East Turkestan) in northwestern China. Seven people were killed and 14 wounded in the attack. "Violence is not the solution to the growing…  
Date: 25-08-10
Percental score: 72
347. Uyghur conflict in China threatens to escalate further!   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), accuses China's judicial authorities of wrongfully trying to silence Ilham Tohti, an Uyghur human rights activist and professor of economics. This is an attempt to silence one…  
Date: 16-09-14
Percental score: 72
348. China is the world’s biggest enemy of Internet freedom   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses China of being the world’s biggest enemy of Internet freedom. “China’s security agencies are systematically blocking the free flow of information on the Internet – with…  
Date: 24-12-17
Percental score: 72
349. Donald Trump's questionable "deal" with China   Sanctions suspended in the hope of a trade agreement: "Crimes against humanity are not commodities!" Still no sanctions by the EU or by Muslim states Apparently, economic interests are seen as  
Date: 23-06-20
Percental score: 72
350. No deportation to China The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is relieved that Kazakhstan has agreed to protect an eyewitness to the conditions in Chinese reeducation centers for Uyghurs and Kazakhs.  
Date: 03-08-18
Percental score: 72