
2466 results:
321. Civil war in Cameroon escalates The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns of an escalation of the civil war in Cameroon, demanding more effective measures to protect the civilian population. During the last six days, at least…  
Date: 17-02-20
322. Sudan plans to hand over former dictator Bashir to International Criminal Court   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the fact that Sudan is planning to hand over the former Sudanese dictator Omar Hassan al Bashir to the International Criminal Court (ICC) is to…  
Date: 11-02-20
323. Indigenous cemetery blown up in order to build Trump's border wall   • Grabhügel Monument Hill in Arizona wird zerstört
• Er liegt im Biosphärenreservat Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
• Die Tohono O’odham Nation hatte dort Gefallene rivalisierender…  
Date: 11-02-20
324. Siemens: Aboriginal people contradict Kaeser Australische Aboriginal People haben der Darstellung von Siemens-Chef Joe Kaeser widersprochen, dass sie dem Bau der umstrittenen Carmichael Kohle-Mine des indischen Adani-Konzerns zugestimmt hätten.…  
Date: 03-02-20
325. Privacy   Thank you for visiting our website. The protection of your data is of particular concern to us. We will use your data in compliance with the german Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the EU General…  
Date: 31-01-20
326. Massacres in Nicaragua   Following a massacre of indigenous people in a biosphere reserve in Nicaragua, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands an end to impunity for crimes against indigenous people – and better…  
Date: 31-01-20
327. Myanmar: New attacks against the Rohingya Myanmar ignores International Court of Justice:
- At least two attacks by the army after the ruling
- Failure to comply with the judgment must be followed by sanctions
- The…  
Date: 30-01-20
328. Coronavirus detected in Xinjiang   Internierte sind besonders gefährdet
China soll die WHO über Schutz Internierter informieren  
Date: 27-01-20
329. Interim injunction against Myanmar   Today, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague will announce its decision on a possible interim injunction against Myanmar. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expects that the…  
Date: 23-01-20
330. Two years of war against the Kurdish people of Afrin/Northern Syria (January 20)   On the occasion of the second anniversary of his attack on Afrin – which is to be seen as a violation of international law – Turkish President Erdogan is planning to visit Berlin to talk about peace…  
Date: 16-01-20