
2175 results:
721. China's anti-terror measures are controversial – the violent deaths of 16 people appear in a new light   Following the violent deaths of 16 people in the Uyghur region of north-western China last Sunday, their identities and the circumstances of their deaths are still disputed. On Thursday, the Society  
Date: 23-12-13
Percental score: 3
722. 26th anniversary of the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   26th anniversary of the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11): • Surviving victims want to know what happened to their relatives • Genocide denial and glorification of war criminals still commonplace  
Date: 08-07-21
Percental score: 3
723. Nobel Prize ceremony Nobel Prize ceremony for Peter Handke: - STP demands a minute's silence for the victims of the genocide - The Swedish Academy should distance itself from Handke's views - The moral integrity of  
Date: 09-12-19
Percental score: 3
724. China: Steinmeier should advocate for human rights   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an appeal to Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to advocate for persecuted human rights activists in China. Steinmeier is expected in Beijing  
Date: 11-04-14
Percental score: 3
725. Proxy war in Libya   Libya in North Africa is becoming one of the most important theaters of war in the Middle East – and President Erdogan is recruiting young Syrian refugees to fight for him in the Libyan civil war,"  
Date: 19-03-20
Percental score: 3
726. Russia's attack on the civil society Closure of indigenous NGOs in Russia: Closure of the "Center for the Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the North" Indigenous Siberia should be silent to facilitate resource extraction Civil  
Date: 11-11-19
Percental score: 3
727. Stop mass rape and genocide! The STP calls for women's rights   The global campaign "One Billion Rising" brought women and men out on the streets in more than 200 countries and 80 cities in Germany – also here in Göttingen – to make a clear statement against the  
Date: 14-02-13
Percental score: 3
728. Exodus from Somalia continues; civil war victims must be protected!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appealed to the UN Security Council on Friday to pay particular attention in today's session on Somalia to the desperate situation of refugees from the civil  
Date: 14-01-11
Percental score: 3
729. Burma (Myanmar): Europe must show more commitment for Rohingya On Monday, following the publication of a shocking UN report about serious human rights violations against the Rohingya in Burma (Myanmar), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) urged the European  
Date: 06-02-17
Percental score: 3
730. EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia: Stabilize the conflict region! In order to stabilize the conflict-ridden region of the Western Balkans, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands all suspected war criminals in the countries of the former Yugoslavia to be  
Date: 15-05-18
Percental score: 3