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2083 results:
2051. Algeria: Prison sentence against government critic   Algerian government critic sentenced to prison: Amira Bouraoui, prominent spokeswoman of the democracy movement Hirak, sentenced to one year in prison without parole STP criticizes government under  
Date: 22-06-20
2052. Donald Trump's questionable "deal" with China   Sanctions suspended in the hope of a trade agreement: "Crimes against humanity are not commodities!" Still no sanctions by the EU or by Muslim states Apparently, economic interests are seen as  
Date: 23-06-20
2053. Feminist activist killed in drone attack   Kurdish feminist activist killed in drone attack: Zahra Barkel had fought for women's rights for years Attack in the Kurdish village of Hilindsch, to the east of the city Kobanî Turkey is the  
Date: 24-06-20
2054. ASEAN Summit (June 26)   The Rohingya issue will not be discussed in the ASEAN summit meetings: The Southeast Asian association is ignoring the region's worst crisis "Pushbacks against boat people are part of the  
Date: 25-06-20
2055. STP report on indigenous peoples of the Arctic   STP report on indigenous peoples of the Arctic – between climate change and a run on raw materials: Thawing permafrost will cause environmental damage; a fuel tank burst only a month ago German EU  
Date: 30-06-20
2056. Failed coup attempt four years ago (July 15)   Political prisoners in Turkey are waiting for a decision by the ECHR: STP appeals to the ECHR to give priority to cases regarding Turkey "No chance for a fair trial in Turkey" – Many have been  
Date: 13-07-20
2057. Ethiopia threatened with civil war   Human rights organization criticizes arrest of Oromo activists Detainees must be effectively protected  
Date: 01-07-20
2058. Covid-19 in Brazil   APIB publishes emergency plan: No help from the Bolsonaro government – Indigenous communities must help themselves Plan includes medical care and education of the indigenous population To  
Date: 01-07-20
2059. 25 years after the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   Children of Srebrenica send an appeal to the UN and the EU: In wars and conflicts, it is especially the children who suffer 50 million children are currently on the run worldwide A call for a UN  
Date: 06-07-20
2060. Covid-19 in Brazil   Omid Nouripour in video conversation with indigenous leaders: Kretã Kaingang and Dinamam Tuxá talk to the foreign policy spokesman of the parliamentary group of the Green Party Indigenous peoples  
Date: 08-07-20