
378 results:
241. China: More than 80 civil rights activists detained to prevent public commemoration   … on Tiananmen Square in order to prevent any public commemoration of the massacre on June 4, 1989. "China's leadership won't stop at anything to enforce a dead calm peace on Tiananmen Square: kidnappings,…  
Date: 03-06-14
Percental score: 64
242. Criticism of show trials in China – United Nations must demand rule of law   … Peoples (STP) criticizes the show trials against members of the Uyghur minority in north-western China to be "legally questionable" and "degrading". The human rights organization urges the UN High…  
Date: 30-05-14
Percental score: 65
243. Beijing needs a change in strategy to stop the violence – imprisoned human rights activists must be set free   … Peoples (STP) reports that there are continued mass arrests of Uyghur people in north-western China. At least 480 Uyghurs were arrested for political reasons since the beginning of April 2014.  
Date: 28-05-14
Percental score: 17
244. Chinese government is trying to prevent commemoration of the 1989 massacre in Beijing by means of an unprecedented wave of persecution   … authorities against civil rights advocates shortly before the 25th anniversary of the massacre . "China's government is still not prepared to live up to the responsibility - not even after a quarter of a…  
Date: 27-05-14
Percental score: 18
245. Germany has nine strategic partner countries that disrespect the freedom of the press – the Federal Government must show more commitment towards independent media coverage   On occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) asks the German Federal Government to show more commitment towards the freedom of the press in their strategic  
Date: 02-05-14
Percental score: 15
246. Criticism of the petition reform in China - The new regulations will lead to more violent protests   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the government of the Chinese People's Republic of introducing more restrictions to civil rights by means of the reform of the petition system. A new  
Date: 25-04-14
Percental score: 61
247. China: Steinmeier should advocate for human rights   … to Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to advocate for persecuted human rights activists in China. Steinmeier is expected in Beijing on Sunday. In China, there are drastic sentences against human…  
Date: 11-04-14
Percental score: 70
248. No deference towards China's leaders – Demand human rights for victims of persecution!   …On occasion of the meeting between China's President Xi Jinping and German politicians in Berlin on Friday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands human rights in China. The STP will hold a vigil together with…  
Date: 28-03-14
Percental score: 71
249. Xi Jinping's war against human rights activists – A new report documents unprecedented persecutions in China   … to a new human rights report which was published by the STP on Wednesday, the situation for China's human rights activists was never as bad during the past 15 years as it is today, under President Xi…  
Date: 26-03-14
Percental score: 68
250. Japan and China should no longer deny crimes! Berlin: Commemoration of the millions of victims of Mao's reign   …On Thursday evening, the day before the visit of China's President Xi Jinping to Germany, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) organized a human rights campaign at the Neue Wache in Berlin, to commemorate the…  
Date: 26-03-14
Percental score: 72