
2175 results:
721. Egypt: Bedouins are the key to more safety in the Sinai region – there must be an end to discrimination!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands more rights and more support for Egypt's Bedouins. The Bedouins are the key to more safety on the Sinai peninsula. If Egypt does not show more effort  
Date: 07-08-12
722. Egypt: Egyptian Christians are afraid of terror on Christmas According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), Egypt’s Copts are living in fear of further terrorist attacks on churches and other Christian institutions during the Christmas and New Year  
Date: 21-12-16
723. Egypt: High number of blasphemy cases against Christians intimidates Copts   Coptic Christians in Egypt are intimidated and feel restricted in their freedom of religion by the high number of blasphemy cases. According to a report issued by the Society for Threatened Peoples  
Date: 05-06-13
724. Egypt: Merkel sends an ingratiating video-message to the authoritarian leadership The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel for paying court to the authoritarian leadership in Egypt in order to persuade the country to show more willingness to  
Date: 26-02-17
725. Egypt: Merkel should address catastrophic human rights situation The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an appeal to Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking her to address the catastrophic human rights situation in Egypt during her visit to the North African  
Date: 28-02-17
726. Egypt: Numerous Christians want to take part in mass protests against Morsi – further deterioration in position of Coptic community   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) can report that numerous Christians intend to participate in the mass demonstrations to be staged against State President Mohammed Morsi on Sunday amid claims  
Date: 27-06-13
727. Egyptian attorney general opens investigation of former Interior Minister   Egyptian attorney general Abd al-Majid Mahmud has opened an investigation to determine whether the former Egyptian Interior Minister Habib el-Adly was involved in the terrorist attacks Copts that  
Date: 15-02-11
728. Egyptian human rights activists criticize the authorities' idleness   The "National Council for Human Rights" in Egypt accuses the Ministry of the Interior in Cairo of having contributed to the bout of violence between Muslims and Copts in early April, because the  
Date: 12-04-13
729. Ehtiopia: Government reshuffle will neither appease the Oromo Shortly before the first anniversary of the Oromo’s public protests in Ethiopia (November 11), the country’s government decided on a cabinet reshuffle on Tuesday, in order to appease the people.  
Date: 02-11-16
730. Elders in East Africa call for help: older people are threatened due to accusations of witchcraft   With help from the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the elders of the indigenous community of the Giriama in Kenya sent an urgent appeal to the Western embassies, the United Nations and the  
Date: 30-09-14
Percental score: 6