
2466 results:
241. 25 years after the Srebrenica Genocide (11.7.1995)   In just two weeks' time, 11 July 2020 will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica and the start of the  Srebrenica Genocide.  To mark this sombre occasion, Gesellschaft…  
Date: 29-06-20
242. Russian influence on the Bundestag   Russian influence on the Bundestag:
Bundestag administration should investigate possible financial entanglements
Criticism of the annexation of Crimea is useless without sanctions 
Date: 26-06-20
243. ASEAN Summit (June 26)   The Rohingya issue will not be discussed in the ASEAN summit meetings:
The Southeast Asian association is ignoring the region's worst crisis
"Pushbacks against boat people are part of…  
Date: 25-06-20
244. Feminist activist killed in drone attack   Kurdish feminist activist killed in drone attack:
Zahra Barkel had fought for women's rights for years
Attack in the Kurdish village of Hilindsch, to the east of the city Kobanî 
Date: 24-06-20
245. Innocently imprisoned for more than 40 years   On June 26, 1975, two FBI agents were killed in a shootout in the Pine Ridge Reservation in southwestern South Dakota. Soon after, the authorities had identified the then 31-year-old indigenous…  
Date: 24-06-20
246. Donald Trump's questionable "deal" with China   Sanctions suspended in the hope of a trade agreement:
"Crimes against humanity are not commodities!"
Still no sanctions by the EU or by Muslim states
Apparently, economic…  
Date: 23-06-20
247. Algeria: Prison sentence against government critic   Algerian government critic sentenced to prison:
Amira Bouraoui, prominent spokeswoman of the democracy movement Hirak, sentenced to one year in prison without parole
STP criticizes…  
Date: 22-06-20
248. Racism against indigenous peoples in Europe   Truth Commissions to assess racism against Sami:
STP praises plans to establish Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sweden
Forced assimilation, forced resettlement, and denial of…  
Date: 19-06-20
249. German Federal Public Prosecutor General opens investigations against Russia   The Tiergarten Murder is by no means an isolated case
Kadyrov often attacks people who criticize his regime
Murder investigations also in Lille, France
Chechen networks in the…  
Date: 18-06-20
250. Turkish attacks on the Sinjar region   Turkish attacks on the Sinjar region:
"Airstrikes are supposed to divert attention from the Corona crisis and the economic situation"
Attacks also against civilian…  
Date: 17-06-20