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2083 results:
1941. Please take a stand for the reunification of Bosnia   Today you will be meeting Milorad Dodik, "President" of the Bosnian Republika Srpska, along with other Bosnian politicians, for talks.  
Date: 11-02-11
1942. Germany would rather sell warships to Algeria than take a stand for democracy   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has reproached the German government for giving only lip-service to human rights in North Africa, as Germany has failed to follow up words with deeds. Rather  
Date: 10-02-11
1943. Ethiopia asks for emergency aid while planning to lease areas larger than The Netherlands to foreign investors   The selling off of land in Ethiopia is taking on more dramatic dimensions all the time. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen warned on Wednesday that the planned leasing of huge  
Date: 09-02-11
1944. Impunity fuels tensions in northwestern China   Uighurs in Germany and in many other countries will mark tomorrow's anniversary of the massacre of Gulja on Saturday, with vigils and demonstrations. Even now, 14 years after the bloodbath of 5  
Date: 07-02-11
1945. Powder keg Sinai: Egypt's Bedouins demand rights   Following the attack on a natural gas pipeline, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) on Monday warn of more violence to come on the Sinai peninsula in Egypt. The Sinai is like a powder keg  
Date: 04-02-11
1946. Eleven Copts died in massacre in Egypt; minority fears more violence   Two Coptic families were killed by members of radical Islamic groups, aided by Muslim neighbors, in a village 200 kilometers south of the capital, Cairo, according to a statement by the Society for  
Date: 04-02-11
1947. Partial permit for mega-dam endangers isolated populace   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) reacted with dismay to the decision of IBAMA, the enforcement agency of Brazil's Ministry of the Environment, to issue a partial permit for the preliminary  
Date: 27-01-11
1948. President Mubarak denies discrimination against Copts   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak of failing to learn from the terrorist attacks on Copts that took place last New Year's Eve in Alexandria. With  
Date: 26-01-11
1949. Germany must press for respect of human rights when assisting ASEAN   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on the German government to insist that human rights are respected when providing financial assistance for ASEAN, the Southeast Asian community of  
Date: 25-01-11
1950. Germany must take a stand for human rights in North Africa   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has appealed to the German government to do more for human rights in North Africa. Europe must put more pressure on North African authoritarian governments to  
Date: 24-01-11